- The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time. 会计及时卡住了这笔不必要的开支。
- Manage the bank accounts, check and invoices. 管理银行账户、转账支票与发票;
- Essentially, account checking, account inspection and auditing are interrelated but different from each other. 事实上,查账、会计检查与审计三者之间既有深刻的联系又有很大的区别。
- By analyzing the account checking system, there lists the feasibility, the solutions and the designing scheme of the system that uses Design Patterns. 通过分析该兑账系统,说明了设计模式运用于该兑账系统程序设计的可行性,给出了设计模式的具体应用方法和具体设计方案。
- As a general principle of accountant check, conservatism principle provides a favorable tool for enterprises which can deal with uncertain factors and reduce risks. 作为会计核算的一般原则,稳健性原则为企业应对不确定因素,降低风险提供了有利工具,但在烟草企业中则表现出一定的局限性。
- The lawyer thought his account checked out with the evidence. 这个律师认为他的叙述和这项证据相符合。
- To reuse the DAS account for the action account (which is recommended), select the DAS account check box, and then click Next. 要对操作帐户重新使用DAS帐户(推荐),请选中“DAS帐户”复选框,然后单击“下一步”。
- The accounts check. 帐目核对无误。
- The accountant checked all the figures on the report and vouched for its accuracy. 会计师确认过报告上的数字而且保证它的正确性。
- The Create this rule on all accounts check box is unavailable even though I have more than one e-mail account. 即使我有多个电子邮件帐户,“在所有帐户上创建此规则”复选框也不可用。
- Do I help your checking account? 我帮助你核对帐目好吗?
- File and bind all accounting checks and vouchers for archiving. 装订所有会计支票和凭单并归档;
- B: Of course. Any ATM provides24- hour online self services. It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal, accounts checking, cipher amending and funds allocating, etc. 当然啦。ATM机提供24小时自助服务。支取现金、询账户、改密码、拨资金等业务操作便利。
- Of course. Any ATM provides24- hour online self services. It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal, accounts checking, cipher amending and funds allocating, etc. 当然啦。ATM机提供24小时自助服务。支取现金、询账户、改密码、拨资金等业务操作便利。
- B:Of course.Any ATM provides 24-hour online self services.It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal,accounts checking,cipher amending and funds allocating,etc. 当然啦。ATM机提供24小时自助服务。支取现金、查询账户、修改密码、划拨资金等业务操作便利。
- I'd like to pay one hundred dollars into my checking account. 我想在我的支票存款中存入100美元。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。
- I think I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我想我需要开一个支票账户,这样我可以付账。
- I thought the accountant's fee rather high. 我认为那个会计师收费很高。