- Enterprises engaged in rationed sale of guns for civilian use shall, within the quota for rationed sale, sell such guns manufactured by the designated enterprises. 配售民用枪支的企业应当在配售限额内,配售指定的企业制造的民用枪支。
- He renewed the book for another two months. 这本书他又续借了两个月。
- This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜。
- It is an interesting book for children. 那是一本有趣的儿童读物。
- All expenditure must be entered (up) in the account book. 一切开支必须入帐。
- Can you procure the rare old book for me? 你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗?
- The bourgeois papers cried up the book for reasons of their own. 资产阶级报纸对那本书大加赞扬,有它们自己的用意。
- The warehousing and storing enterprises shall keep specialized account books for import, storage, transit, and marketing, and submit periodical statements to the Customs for verification. 仓储企业应建立进口、库存、转口、销售等专门帐册,定期列表报送海关核查。
- I think I know where I can procure that rare book for you. 我想我知道在哪儿能为你们买到那珍本书。
- May I borrow the book for a day or two? 这本书我可以借一两天吗?
- Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。
- Does meeting influence make account book? 会影响做帐吗?
- He entered the sum in his account book. 他把这笔钱记在账上了。
- Hehe,good things were wiritten in my account book. 嘿嘿,好东西都在我帐本里记着呢!
- I'm giving all my friends books for Christmas. 我在圣诞节要向所有的朋友赠书。
- He put his new book for a year while he wrote some magazine articles. 他停止写他的新书有一年时间了,在此期间,他为杂志写了一些文章。
- The State applies a special permit system governing the manufacture and rationed sale of guns. 第十三条国家对枪支的制造、配售实行特别许可制度。
- What are your set books for English A Level? 你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本?
- Article 13 The State applies a special permit system governing the manufacture and rationed sale of guns. 未经许可,任何单位或者个人不得制造、买卖(非法词语,系统屏蔽)屏蔽)的制造、配售实行特别许可制度。
- Would you pass out the books for me? 你替我分发一下书好吗?