- Keywords:Transportation safety, accident investigation, ITSA. 关键字:交通运输、运输事故、事故调查。
- Involved in accident investigation, and make statistics of first aid visit. 参与事故调查,并负责每月末进行本月急救事故调查。
- The division conducted regular spot checks on pressure equipment; examination for the issue of certificates of competency; accident investigation and promotion of safety. 该科定期抽查压力器具,举行考试并发给合格证书,调查意外和推广安全。
- Intentionally concealing the facts or providing falsified certificates when undergoing the accident investigation. 在接受事故调查时故意隐瞒事实或提供虚假证明。
- The results indicate that this method is practical in civil aviation accident investigation. 结果表明,这种基于计算机音频处理技术的CVR译码分析方法在事故调查中具有实用意义。
- The events in the cockpit failed to conform to "standard operating procedures", the Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) said. 飞行事故调查局说,驾驶舱里所发生的事情未能遵守“标准的操作程序”。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- After the accident, HKO provided a large volume of meteorological information to the Civil Aviation Department to support the accident investigation. 意外发生后,香港天文台提供了大量气象资料给民航处,以协助意外调查。
- Here are the main contents of this dissertation:Chapter 1 deals with the purpose of marine accident investigation and process. 本文在第1章论述了海事调查处理的目的。
- Based on the analyses of the "human element" in marine accident investigation, this article describes how the human factors work on marine accident. 并通过海事调查中对“人为因素”的分析,阐述了人的因素在海事形成中所起的作用。
- Through accident investigation and analysis on fracture characteristics of work roll,spalling from barrel internal thread-like crack was found. 通过对某厂1700冷连轧机工作辊剥落事故进行调查和断口特征分析,发现该轧机工作辊出现由工作辊内部线状开裂引起的剥落;
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- After extensive accident investigation with collected data, the injury causations and factors relative to vehicle are determined. 针对影响行人动力学响应的主要因素:碰撞速度、车辆前部结构、刚度特性进行参数研究,为改善车辆与行人的碰撞安全性以及行人损伤防护提供依据。
- Fricke, B. L., Traffic Accident Reconstruction:Volume 2 of The Traffic Accident Investigation Manual, Northwestern University Traffic Institute, 1990. 佐藤武,上山胜,大慈弥雅弘等,自动车交通事故调查,株式会社技术学院,平成元年3月。
- Baker, J. S. &Fricke, B. L., The Traffic Accident Investigation Manual, Northwestern University Traffic Institute, 1986. 林洋,上山胜,大慈弥雅弘等,自动车事故鑑定方法,株式会社技术学院,昭和61年7月。
- J.S.Baker, and L.B. fricke, “Traffic Accident Investigation Manual ,” Northwestern University Traffic Institute, 1986. 程玉杰,汽车肇事碰撞行为电脑动态模拟之研究,中央警察大学警政研究所硕士论文,民国76年。
- He had had a blackout after the accident. 事故发生后,他晕过去一阵子。
- Accident investigators say stunt pilots from the British air force's display team narrowly avoided a collision with a passenger jet. 事故调查官员说,来自英国空军空中表演机队的特技飞行员们侥幸避免了与客机的一场空中相撞。
- The accident investigation that BSU organization launchs handles funds to allocate funds every year by governmental finance sum. BSU组织 开展的事故调查处理经费每年由政府财政全额拨 款。