- Security system computerized access card. 使用电脑刷卡及门禁管制出入。
- After you cast your ballot, your voter access card will eject automatically. 当您投毕选票后,您的选民提票卡将自动跳出机外。
- In access control, the practice of using one access card for successive use by two or more individuals. 在存取控制中,试图把一张访存证给两个或更多人连续使用的行为。
- Passengers will get their "access card" and can walk straight onboard the ship to avoid the long queues on departure day. 乘客将获预先派发登船证,乘客于出发当日可直接登船,不用再次登记。
- As with the previous service, no application is needed. Just make sure you have a valid Citibank Online Access Card. 花旗网上银行和上一项服务一样无须申请即可使用。但您必须持有有效的网上银行登录卡。
- Human Tailgating - monitors for and detects human tailgating of multiple people on one access card. 人员尾随通过安全门。
- Device"means a physical device used with Electronic Equipment to access Your Account, for example an Access Card. 设施"指为了进入您的帐户与电子设备一起使用的一种物理设备,例如准入卡。
- To log in to Citibank Online, just go to the Citibank Online Login screen and enter your existing Citibank Online Access Card Number and PIN that have been provided to you. 只需访问花旗网上银行登录页面,输入我行提供的网上银行登录卡号和密码即可登录到花旗网上银行成为用户。
- Access Card"means any Citibank online access card authorised by Citibank for use on Your Account and includes an Access Card issued to Your Nominee. 准入卡"指任何经花旗银行授权针对您的帐户进行使用的花旗网上银行登录卡,包括一张发给您的被指定人的花旗网上银行登录卡。
- Access Card means any Citibank online access card authorised by Citibank for use on Your Account and includes an Access Card issued to Your Nominee. 准入卡指任何经花旗银行授权针对您的帐户进行使用的花旗网上银行登录卡,包括一张发给您的被指定人的花旗网上银行登录卡。
- "Access Card" means any Citibank online access card authorised by Citibank for use on Your Account and includes an Access Card issued to Your Nominee. "准入卡"指任何经花旗银行授权针对您的帐户进行使用的花旗网上银行登录卡,包括一张发给您的被指定人的花旗网上银行登录卡。
- Also, refer to "Securing Your Access Card and Code/PIN" provisions of the Citibank Online Terms and Conditions for detailed PIN security information. 另外,也请参见"花旗网上银行协议与条款"中"网上银行登录卡和密码安全"一节以获得密码安全的详细信息。
- All this allows the card account holder to make a series of calls without ever hanging up and redialing the often lengthy access card account numbers. 这样,账号持有者不需要挂断电话就可以发起一系列呼叫并重拨通常比较冗长的接入卡账号码。
- NETBIOS and IPX network interfaces need to address. The article detailed the steps demonstrated how VB access card addresses. IPX和NETBIOS接口需要网络地址。该文通过详细的步骤演示了如何通过VB获取网卡地址。
- PIN"means the Code in the form of the personal identification number allocated by Citibank to an Access Card and can be changed online by You from time to time. 个人识别码"指以个人识别号码的形式由花旗银行分派给某张准入卡且可以由您不时地在线更改的密码。
- Take reasonable steps to protect Your Access Card or Code from loss or theft; and immediately destroy any expired Access Card by cutting it diagonally in half. 采取合理的步骤防止您的准入卡或者密码遗失或者被盗;和一旦准入卡过期,立即将其沿对角切成两半销毁。
- Citibank Online is available to all Citibank China customers. You only need a Citibank Online Access Card number, AND your PIN to access the new service. 花旗网上银行向所有花旗银行中国大陆各分支行的客户开放。您只需持有网上银行登录卡和密码即可享受这项新的服务。
- Now one " estate authority card " be equal to two previously " building droit card " " land access card " . Do not need to do state-owned land to use card. 现在一本《房地产权证》等于以前的两本《房屋所有权证》《土地使用权证》。不需要办国有土地使用证的。
- Please refer to the "Securing your Access Card and Code/PIN" provisions of the Citibank Online Terms and Conditions for detailed PIN security information. 您可参见"花旗网上银行协议与条款"中"登录卡和密码安全"一节以获得密码安全的详细信息。
- Citibank Online is available to all Citibank China customers . You only need a Citibank Online Access Card number, AND your PIN to access the new service. 花旗网上银行向所有花旗银行中国大陆各分支行的客户开放。您只需持有网上银行登录卡和密码即可享受这项新的服务。