- A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level. 必须具备大专院校的学位才能从事这一级的工作。
- He left his home to look for employment. 他离家去找职业。
- She asked him for employment in his office but he refused it at a word. 她要求到他的事务所里找一份工作,但他当即拒绝了。
- Many farmers went to towns to seek for employment. 许多农民到城里找工作。
- He fulfills all the conditions for employment. 他完全符合雇用的条件。
- not acceptable for employment as a worker. 不可作为工人被雇用。
- I accept for the above agreement. 本人同意接纳以上之协议。
- Center on Education and Training for Employment. 从事就业与劳动力培养的研究与培训工作。
- We should open up more avenues for employment. 广开就业门路
- She fulfills all the conditions for employment. 她合乎了所有雇用条件的需求。
- Bid secure with difficulty persuade seller accept for futures sake. 稳住还价不易。希望说服卖方,看在将来的面上予以接受。
- What kind of credit card do you accept for an e-payment? 你们目前接受那些银行卡支付?
- A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level. 学位是做这级工作必备的先决条件。
- Leadtime your party can accept for delayed delivery? 你方能够接受的最长的延误交期是多少?
- The Company will not discriminate when recruiting for employment. 公司在聘用时不得有任何歧视。
- He fulfill, fulfils all the conditions for employment. 他完全符合雇用的条件。
- Opportunities for employment is many in this boomtown. 就业机会在这个富裕的城镇是非常多的。
- It is forbidden for employers to employ persons under the age of sixteen. 禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。
- Opportunities for employment abound in this boomtown. 这个新兴的城市就业机会很多。
- accept for employment 同意雇佣