- acanthosis seborrheica 脂溢性棘皮症, 疣状棘皮症, 老年疣
- The overlying epidermis revealed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. 表皮则呈现过度角化及棘皮肥厚。
- Skin biopsy showed a typical characteristic of acanthosis nigricans. 皮损有典型的组织病理改变,血清胰岛素、睾酮水平升高。
- Objective: To investigate the clinical feature of obese acanthosis nigricans. 摘要目的:探讨肥胖性黑棘皮病的临床特点。
- Objective:To investigate the clinical feature of obese acanthosis nigricans. 目的:探讨肥胖性黑棘皮病的临床特点。
- From the scale on the lesion of 87 cases of eczema seborrheica discover malassezia furfur spore in 54 cases. 经检查87例脂溢性湿疹的皮损,在54例的皮损上的鳞屑中发现有糠秕马拉色菌孢子,总带菌率62%25。
- Alopecia seborrheica (AS)is a kind of hair malady whose etiology is still vague at present. 脂溢性脱发是常见的毛发疾病,目前其病因尚不完全清楚。
- Objective To survey malassezia furfur bacteria carrier and source in infant suffered dermatitis seborrheica on head/facial and healthy. 摘要目的了解患头面部脂溢性皮炎的婴儿与正常婴儿头面部马拉色菌带菌情况及来源分析。
- Objective To explore the high risk factors of metabolic syndrome(MS) in obese children with acanthosis nigricans. 目的探讨肥胖伴黑棘皮病儿童代谢综合征(MS)的高危因素。
- The histopathologic examination revealed dilatation of intracorneal eccrine ducts with mild focal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis. 病理检查为表皮层有扩张的汗管伴随局部过度角化和棘层肥厚。
- A case of 14-year-old female with hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans (HAIR-AN) syndrome is reported. 报告1例高雄激素血症-胰岛素抵抗-黑棘皮病综合征。
- The histopathological study revealed acanthosis, papillomatosis and large amounts of xanthoma cells in the papillary dermis. 组织病理学检查显示表皮肥厚伴随乳头样增殖,及真皮层有大量黄色瘤细胞浸润。
- Histopathologic examination of the excisional biopsy specimen from both showed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis of the epidennis. 两者的皮肤切除组织上病理学检查显示表皮过度角化及棘层肥厚。
- Result: The categories of acanthosis nigricans were various, and patients with obese acanthosis nigricans usually had a elevated plasma insulin. 结果:黑棘皮病类型较多,其中肥胖性黑棘皮病患者的胰岛素水平多有增高,甚至可引起血糖异常。
- Conclusion:Obese acanthosis nigricans is usually associated with insulin resistance,so these patients will be detected the levels of bl... 结论:肥胖性黑棘皮病多与胰岛素抵抗有关,该类患者应检测其胰岛素及血糖水平并及时干预治疗。
- Result:The categories of acanthosis nigricans were various,and patients with obese acanthosis nigricans usually had a elevated plasma insulin. 结果:黑棘皮病类型较多,其中肥胖性黑棘皮病患者的胰岛素水平多有增高,甚至可引起血糖异常。
- The histopathological examination revealed hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, dilated capillaries under epidermis with lots of red cells in lumens. 躯干、四肢近端、阴囊出现暗红色丘疹6年。
- CFC syndrome can be distinguished from CS by the rare presence of papillomata, fetal pads, acanthosis nigricans, wrinkled palms and soles, and loose skin of the hands and feet. 而心脏-脸-皮肤徵候群患者罕见乳突瘤,胎儿垫,黑棘皮病,手掌脚掌皱纹及手脚疏松的皮肤,这些可以和科斯特洛徵候群区别。
- Histopathologic findings included a cylindriform connective tissue proliferation surrounded by an acanthosis band of epidermis with papillomatous changes and hyperkeratosis. 组织病理学检查示表皮角化过度,棘层肥厚,表皮突延伸、增宽;
- Histopathologic features demonstrated acanthosis, sclerotic collagen and some interspersed lymphohistiocytic infiltration at the periphery of the lesion. 组织病理显示所有的切片均表现为纤维组织不同程度的增生,其外周血管充血及炎细胞浸润。