- It is a kind of academic thought with dense mysticism color of Han dynasty that the theory of confucianist divination. 谶纬之学是汉代的一种具有浓重神秘主义色彩的学术思想。
- The practical thought of the school had a far-reaching impact on the entire 17th century academic thought. 东林学派开创的经世致用学风,对整个十七世纪的学术思想都产生了重要影响。
- Xu Shuwei s academic thought is embodied in the diagnosis and treatment of Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases. 许叔微的学术思想主要体现在杂病和伤寒的证治上。
- First, based on the analysis of the rise of Song Learning, recounts Ouyang Xiu"s academic thought. 首先在对宋学兴起作了分析的基础上,综述了欧阳修的学术思想。
- Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the pluralistic developing period of academic thought of our country. 魏晋南北朝时期是我国学术思想多元化发展时期。
- The third chapter analyzes Schmitt’s criticism of the contemporary liberal constitutionalism through straightening out his academic thought. 第三章主要通过全面梳理施米特的学术思想来分析施米特对当代自由主义宪政的批判理论。
- His idea about life aesthetics was actually originated from western academic thought in the aspects of life will, the human nature, life noumenon and humanism. 宗白华生命美学与西方学术思想在生命意志、人性情怀、生命本体、人本启示等方面有着深厚的渊源关系。
- At last, spreading out, brings to light the contribution that Ouyang Xiu and Lu Ling scholars made to the development of academic thought in the middle of the Bei Song Dynasty. 最后铺展到面,揭示了欧阳修与庐陵学人对北宋中期学术思想发展之贡献。
- Based on the maintenance of the Xia and Shang dynasties as slavery societies, the article discusses the influence of Soviet Evolutionism and ideology imposed on academic thought in China. 摘要根据学界对夏商奴隶制社会的认定,文章探讨了前苏联社会进化模式和意识形态对学术思维的影响。
- In every school at Neo Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, it bringed about important effect on the formation of He jian and Yi shui school and the development of medicine thought that inheritance and absorbtion of academic thought or argument. 宋明理学各学术流派之间,在学术思想上的继承和吸收、鸣与辩论,对金元时期河间与易水学派的形成以及医学思想的发展,产生了重要的推动作用。
- The contribution of the 24 Ricardo Wolf Prize winners has set examples to the reading ptlblic, especially to researchers,teachers and enthusiasts of mathematics, academic thought,educational thought,and the attitude and ways of pursuing their studies. 阐明了24位沃尔夫数学奖得主的建树及数学成就、学术思想、教育思想、治学态度和方法,是广大读者特别是数学研究工作者、数学教师和数学爱好者的学习榜样。
- The forming of his academic thought was inseparably relevant to the social and historical condition at that time as well as certain academic background and the family tradition of learning. 他的这种学术思想特点的形成,有其特定的时代背景、学术背景,也深受湖湘学风和家学等的影响。
- In recent years it’s been a vogue in Chinese defence research and academic think tanks to posit that the real strategic intention of the United States is to contain growing Chinese power. 研究防务和中美课题的中国智囊团近年流行一种说法,认为美国真正的战略目标是围堵日益强大的中国。
- The rational spirit of Dai Zhen"s academic thinking decided that he had the overtaking spirit of backing to Yi Li from textual criticism. 戴震学术思想的理性品格决定了他从考据回归义理的超越精神。
- By all the efforts on redefinition, the writer tried to arouse more attentions to computer game and more academic thinking about it. 试图通过一定深度的论证,引起人们对电脑游戏的更多关注和更多学理思考。
- Before 1990s, narratology of classic rhetoric of fiction had dominated the academic thinking, which is represented by The Rhetoric of Fiction ( WayneC Booth, 1961). 韦恩·布斯的《小说修辞学》(1961)一书是前者的代表作,詹姆斯·费伦《作为修辞的叙事》(1996)的出版则构成了美国后经典修辞性叙事理论的一个亮点。
- Cian's academic thinking from the perspective of Confucian theory of harmoniousness provides a shortcut and a key to open his world of yili (the exposition of meaning). 从儒学和合论角度来研究钱先生学术思想,是一条简便直捷的路径,为开启他义理世界的一把钥匙。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- The new academic year is coming. 新学年就要来了。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。