- A tipycal landing zone for this kind of high flyers is in a range of about 70% retracement (plus/minus 15%). 对于这样的泡沫,一个典型的指数着陆区间是自高点回落70%25正负15%25。
- Gay, the second-year swingman, brought the crowd to its feet on several occasions demonstrating why he is one of the best high flyers in the league. 盖伊,二年级的摇摆人,用震惊全场的几次表演证明了为何他是全联盟最好的扣将之一。
- High flyers might move out of the engineering-specific functional system altogether, to become generalist administrators. 有的越级从工程技术部门晋升到工厂管理一把手的职位。
- An academic high school in some central European countries,especially Germany,that prepares students for the university. 高级中学在中欧国家,特别是在德国,常见的学术性中学,用来培养学生升入大学。
- He told her that I had a high I.Q. and that, with her permission, he would like to send me to a good academic high school in another neighborhood. 他告诉她我有高的智商,而且告诉她,如果她允许的话,他要把我送到另一个邻近地方的一所优秀的文科中学。
- In England and other industrialized countries, it is not unusual for academic high school students to spend 8 hours a day at school, 220 days per year. 在英格兰等其它工业化国家,学术高中的学生每天花8小时也就是每年220天在学校是很正常的事情。
- An academic high school in some central European countries, especially Germany, that prepares students for the university. 高级中学在中欧国家,特别是在德国,常见的学术性中学,用来培养学生升入大学
- Those that have become high flyers, such as Netscape, Intel, Cisco and Yahoo, have turned many of their employees, including support staff like secretaries, into dot.com millionaires overnight, often at the relatively young age of 20s or 30s. 因此之故,网景、英特尔、思科、雅虎等出类拔萃的公司里,包括秘书等后勤职工在内的许多雇员成了网络公司的股东,往往还在二十几、三十几岁时便一夜致富而身家百万。
- Those that have become high flyers,such as Netscape,Intel,Cisco and Yahoo,have turned many of their employees,including support staff like secretaries,into dot.com millionaires overnight,often at the relatively young age of 20s or 30s. 因此之故,网景、英特尔、思科、雅虎等出类拔萃的公司里,包括秘书等后勤职工在内的许多雇员成了网络公司的股东,往往还在二十几、三十几岁时便一夜致富而身家百万。
- Drawing on leadership expert Morgan McCall's work on high flyers, Prof Furnham argued that fast-trackers get promoted for excelling in certain ways, while their faults are deliberately overlooked. 引用领导力专家摩根?麦考尔(MorganMcCall)有关明星高管的著作,弗恩海姆指出,晋升过快的人因在某些方面表现出色而被提拔,但他们的缺陷却被有意地忽视了。
- His film and television credits include Just Punishment, Noah &Saskia, Neighbours, Guinevere Jones, Bootleg, Legacy of the Silver Shadow, Blue Heelers, Horace &Tina and High Flyers. 他的电影和电视剧包括了Just Punishment; Noah &Saskia; Neighbours; Guinevere Jones; Bootleg; Legacy of the Silver Shadow; Blue Heelers; Horace &Tina and High Flyers.
- We own the professional technology and academic background of beekeeping accompanied with the biotechnological studies from the academic higher education institutions for pursuing self-emulation. 蜂之乡拥有专业的养蜂技术与学术背景,再结合国内高学府生物科技研究,以不断追求自我超越为目标。
- The new academic year is coming. 新学年就要来了。
- She's always shown an academic turn of mind. 她总是表现出学究式的思想方法。
- His utterances were discreetly academic. 他的言论严谨; 具有学术性。
- It's a matter of academic concern. 那是学术方面的事。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The question is purely academic. 这是一个纯学术性的问题。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。