- Her deduction that he was now dead was correct. 她作出的他此时已经死亡的推论是正确的。
- A conclusion drawn; a deduction. 推断得出的结论; 归纳的结果
- I can not understand the so abstract concept. 我无法理解如此抽象的观念。
- He's hung on abstract art this year. 今年他对抽象艺术很感兴趣。
- Based on speculative or abstract reasoning. 哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的词语是幼童所无法理解的。
- Abstract art is an acquired taste. 抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏。
- Abstract painting and sculpture. 抽象派的绘画和雕塑
- His deduction from the evidence was correct. 他从证据上所推测的结论是正确的。
- abstract deduction 抽象演绎
- What deduction can we make from these facts? 我们能根据这些事实作出什么样的推断呢?
- Net salary is gross salary minus tax and national insurance deduction. 净工资是工资总额减去税收和扣除国民保险。
- That seems a reasonable deduction. 那似乎是合理的结论。
- It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty. 推断出的明显结论是她有罪.
- To lend money after deduction of interest. 贴现;减息贷款在扣除利息后贷款
- He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world. 他有一种要改造世界的空想。
- Involving or using deduction in reasoning. 演绎法推理的包含或用演绎法推理的
- We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract. 我们尽可谈论美的事物,然而美本身却是抽象的。
- Some stores make a deduction for cash payment. 有些商店对现款交易可略打折扣。
- You explain things in a way that is too abstract for me. 你如此解释事物对我来说太深奥了。