- absolute value instruction 绝对值指令
- The bars denote the absolute value. 竖划表示绝对值。
- Computes the absolute value of its argument. 计算其参数的绝对值。
- Return the absolute value of a number. 返回一个数的绝对值。
- Expression to compute the absolute value of. 要计算绝对值的表达式。
- Computes the absolute value of a number. 计算数字的绝对值。
- The absolute value of a complex number. 模一个复数的模
- The instruction subtracts four pairs of bytes, takes the absolute value of each difference, and accumulates the results. 该指令先对4对字节进行减法操作,并取每个差值的绝对值,然后将结果累加起来。这都是在一个周期内发生的。
- The maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity. 振幅周期性变量的最大绝对值
- In mathematics, the absolute value of a number, irrespective of sign. 数学中,与符号无关的量,即一个数的绝对值。
- Winsock +2 Practical Guide Network Programming, absolute value! 2网络编程实用教程,绝对超值!
- The abs() function returns the absolute value of a number. 函数的作用是:返回绝对值。
- The maximum absolute value reached by a voltage or current waveform. 振幅电压或电流波所能达到的最大绝对值
- Capital widening Investment that increases the absolute value of capital. 资本扩张指增加资本绝对值的投资。
- Compare the absolute value of the difference to the acceptable difference. 将差值的绝对值与可接受的差值进行比较。
- To examinee, the place is more valuable than fractional absolute value. 对于考生而言,名次比分数绝对值更有价值。
- The maximum absolute value of a periodic curve measured along its vertical axis. 振幅沿垂直轴摆动的周期性曲线的最大绝对值
- The value can be specified as an absolute value or as a percentage of the interface bandwidth. 这个选项可以用具体数据或者该接口带宽的百分比来指定。
- Studentized deleted residuals with large absolute values are considered large. 绝对值大的学生化去除残差被认为是大的。
- This value instructs the application to maintain white space as is, suggesting that it might have meaning. 此值指示应用程序按原样保留空白,暗示空白可能有含义。