- absolute value error 绝对值误差
- The bars denote the absolute value. 竖划表示绝对值。
- Computes the absolute value of its argument. 计算其参数的绝对值。
- Return the absolute value of a number. 返回一个数的绝对值。
- Expression to compute the absolute value of. 要计算绝对值的表达式。
- Computes the absolute value of a number. 计算数字的绝对值。
- The absolute value of a complex number. 模一个复数的模
- The measured value corres-ponds well with the analytical value with the MSR error better than 0.5%(absolute value). 仪器测定值和传统化学分析值之间的均方根误差优于0.;5%25(绝对值)。
- The maximum absolute value of a periodically varying quantity. 振幅周期性变量的最大绝对值
- In mathematics, the absolute value of a number, irrespective of sign. 数学中,与符号无关的量,即一个数的绝对值。
- Winsock +2 Practical Guide Network Programming, absolute value! 2网络编程实用教程,绝对超值!
- The abs() function returns the absolute value of a number. 函数的作用是:返回绝对值。
- The maximum absolute value reached by a voltage or current waveform. 振幅电压或电流波所能达到的最大绝对值
- Capital widening Investment that increases the absolute value of capital. 资本扩张指增加资本绝对值的投资。
- Compare the absolute value of the difference to the acceptable difference. 将差值的绝对值与可接受的差值进行比较。
- By default, if you do not specify ON EXISTING, attempting to insert rows into a table where the row already exist results in a duplicate key value error. 缺省情况下,如果您不指定ON EXISTING,则在尝试向表中插入行时,如果相应的行已存在,则会造成重复键值错误。
- To examinee, the place is more valuable than fractional absolute value. 对于考生而言,名次比分数绝对值更有价值。
- The probability of normal R.V. with absolute Value less then and equal to one, two, and three unit standard deviations are calculated from error function, the cumulate probability distribution of normal density. 常态分布随机变数绝对值小于等于一个、两个、三个标准差之机率分别代入累积机率分布函数(误差函数)算出其对应之机率。
- Measurement uncertainty of different measurement hardness range were investigated respectively by considering kind of influence factors including standard hardness specimen shown value error, Brinell hardness machine, measurement shown value error. 按标准硬度块示值误差、布氏硬度计、测量示值误差等不同因素,对不同范围的布氏硬度值进行不确定度评定。
- The maximum absolute value of a periodic curve measured along its vertical axis. 振幅沿垂直轴摆动的周期性曲线的最大绝对值