- Characteristics of the above standard greases are listed in table 2. 上述标准润滑脂的特性在表2当中均有列明。
- External diameter E and piston rod diameter D will not comply with the above standard due to different applications. 根据用途,缸体外径E,活塞杆直径d有时与上述尺寸不同。
- Rapid industrialized, restructuring of the pork industry has accelerated adoption of the crate as the standard housing system in the USA. 在快速的工业化发展下,以这种现代化的猪舍建造体系,加快了猪肉业的转型。
- While many indoor theft, it is very difficult to criminate those of larceny according to the above standard. 但很多入户盗窃行为,仅以以上标准难以对其进行定罪处罚。
- Work closely with designer and programmer to fine tune layout and effect, to ensure deliverables are up to or above standard. 与互动设计师及程序员紧密合作,去微调完稿及整体效果,以确保项目的质量能迟到标准。
- The foregoing is a description of the ideal Shiba.Any deviation from the above standard is to be considered a fault and must be penalized. 前面描述的是一个理想的柴犬,任何背离上述标准的地方都被认为是缺陷,并将受到惩罚。
- The above standard may be adjusted when due to age, mental or physical disability or due to extraordinary circumstances the person cannot be expected to conform to it. 以上标准由于年龄、精神上或身体上的能力欠缺,或者由于特殊情况无法期待行为人遵守时,可相应调整。
- Finally, some suggestions on standardizing housing credit market behavior are proposed. 最后,对如何形成规范合理的住房信贷市场提出了几点建议。
- ZED standard house types and ZED products have been designed to make best use of off-site fabrication techniques. ZED标准房屋类型和ZED产品的设计,充分利用非现场制造的装配组件技术。
- Lead content in liquor above standards was mainly induced by lead corrossion of distillator, condenser, piping line and liquor container. 白酒铅含量超标主要是由蒸馏器、冷凝器、导管和贮酒容器中的铅经溶蚀而带入,设备的铅含量越高,酒的酒度越高,则设备的铅溶蚀越大。
- The brave five-persons family villa attracts attention in the mi ddle of the surrounding standard houses, but has been created by a clear “image quality plan”. 这个五口之家的别墅位于周边标准住宅的中央地,塑造了一个清晰的“图像品质规划”。
- The international standards , Unicode, Dublin Core, and XML are also introduced, the project behind the thesis is strictly based on the above standards. 本文对Unicode、Dublin Core、XML标准作了较详细的论述,藏文数字图书馆示范系统也是严格按上述标准开发的。
- The garden with total gross area of 4000 square meters has more than six sights ,was designed in tridimensional style,currently named "Ten Of Best Luxury Residence and Standard House In Guangzhou". 4000平方米的小区园林,采用空中花园、架空层花园相互融合的立体布置手法,主题景点多达六个,现已荣获“广州十佳豪宅”、广州市“样板工程”等多项荣誉。
- The waiters get good tips over and above their wages. 服务员除工资外还有不少小费。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- Rachel who died last week was still above ground. 雷切尔上星期去世,现在还没安葬。
- The glider was soaring above the valley. 那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- The tower on the hill brooded above the village. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。
- It shows how to calculate the value of planning gain needed to level the playing field between standardized house building and the increased costs associated with a ZED scheme. 它演示如何计算必须的计划利润值,以填补标准化住宅与增加费用后的零能耗方案之间的造价差额。