- It'll take you about fifteen minutes to get there. 到那儿要15分钟左右。
- Go this way about fifteen minutes. 往这边走大约十五分钟。
- We will be boarding passengers in about fifteen minutes. 大约15分钟后我们将开始载客。
- Shepard remained in space only about fifteen minutes. 谢泼德在太空里仅停留了15分钟,
- I kept quiet, with my ears cocked, about fifteen minutes, I reckon. 估计有十五分钟时间,我一声不响,竖起了耳朵听。
- It takes about fifteen minutes to go from my home to our school on foot. 从我家到学校步行需十五分钟。
- We'll start with an orientation video, it runs about fifteen minutes. 我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放。
- I'm sorry,there isn't a table right now. There will be a wait of about fifteen minutes. 对不起,现在没有空桌了。恐怕要等15分钟左右。
- No,it'll take about fifteen minutes,because the streets are heavy with traffic at present. 到不了,现在交通很拥挤。大约要十五分钟。
- We can seat 3 of you right away. But if all your party would prefer to sit together,it will take about fifteen minutes. 我们可以马上安排3个座位给你们,但是如果你们要坐在一起,大约要等到15分钟。
- It takes about fifteen minutes travelling from Liu Li Chang to Shuang Liu International Airport. 本次列车从琉璃场出发前往双流国际机场航空港,全程所需时间大概是十五分钟。
- But after about fifteen minutes it slowed down and entered the shadowy coolness of the plantations with discreet silence. 伴着长长的汽笛声,火车穿越盐碱滩,沿着亮红色的山岩高速飞奔,突然令人耳聋的噪音变得让人无法忍受。
- We can seat 3 of you right away. But if all your party would prefer to sit together, it will take about fifteen minutes. 我们可以马上安排3个座位给你们,但是如果你们要坐在一起,大约要等到15分钟。
- In the line-up, he'd admitted robbing Dick Colbert at a used car lot in Oklahoma City. He had taken the car. That was about fifteen minutes before he picked me up. 在排队检查时,他已经承认他在俄克拉荷马城二手车市场的停车场上抢劫了迪克·考伯特先生,开走了他的车。这件事仅仅发生在他让我搭车前15分钟。
- About fifteen minutes. 大约十五分钟吧。
- About fifteen minutes, sir. 大约15分钟。
- I caught six trout in fifteen minutes. 我在十五分钟内钓到了六条鳟鱼。
- The interview overran by fifteen minutes. 那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟。
- I caught seven trout in fifteen minutes. 我十五分钟内捉到七条鳟鱼。
- About fifteen minutes later he asked,"How do you feel now?" 过一刻钟左右,他问我,“你现在感觉如何?”