- He is an able person,nothing is unable to him. 他是一个能人,对他没有不能的事。
- He is an able person, nothing is unable to him. 他是一个能人,对他没有不能的事。
- For every able person there is always one still abler. 能人背后有能人。
- Once he evaluated me as "the kind of able person it is hard to come by". 他对我评价时就讲过“人才难得”。
- However strong you are, there's always someone stronger.; For every able person there is always one still abler. 强中自有强中手, 能人背后有能人。
- Some people do stay at one place, but that is the difference between an able person and not ables. 夫妻一起移民的压力与单独一人移民的压力相比,哪个要更大一些呢?
- Became the female able person with famous far and near, aureate dream realized on afield. 成了远近闻名的女能人,在田野上实现了金色的梦。
- Collective offers land, workshop (praedial) , able person heads capital, equipment and project oneself. 集体提供土地、厂房(不动产),能人自带资金、设备和项目。
- Anything but able person Yun Yiyun, brash mount a horse, more want great the advice that listens to a connoisseur, meet otherwise regretful. 决不能人云亦云,仓促上马,更要多多听取行家的忠告,否则便会后悔莫及。
- According to the heterogeneous characteristics of the data grid nodes,a scheduling algorithm based on FCFS and the idea "able person should do more work" is proposed. 针对数据网格中各个网格节点的异构性等特点;提出了基于FCFS和“能者多劳”相结合的调度方法;在假设条件副本定位请求的产生速率相同以及所有宿主节点的定位能力总和相同成立的情况下;假设各个宿主节点之间的定位能力成等比数列.
- Jim Guy Tucker was lieutenant governor, probably the ablest person ever to hold the job, and we were working together, rather than at cross-purposes, for the first time in years. 吉姆.;盖伊
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- He is a very able person. 他是一位很能干的人。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
- Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to. 针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。