- The Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers. 议员用它的手指数着秒。
- He was one of the Abbots of Misrule, and his portfolio was to journey into the world of Krynn and dispense bad advice and terrible truths. 他是混乱评议会的一名长老,他的主要职责就是在克莱恩位面上出差,像智囊团一样到处提供意见和建议-不过与智囊团不同的是,他提供的大多是坏的。
- The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. 该国因国王懦弱而长期混乱不治。
- "A nobility of the spirit," said the Abbot of Misrule, a small smile flickering across his face. "Then isn't our question not 'What is good?' but 'What is nobility?' " “灵魂的高尚,”混乱评议会的议员闪着微笑说,“我们的问题不就从‘什么是善良’变成‘什么是高尚’了吗?”
- the abbot of misrule "糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人)
- abbot of misrule "糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人)
- The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule. 在施行了25年的蠹政后,这个政权最终垮台。
- Soyen Shaku, abbot of a Japanese Rinzai monastry: Zen-Buddhism. ,日本的临济禅寺住持释宗演法师,介绍了禅宗佛教。
- The shepherd showed the berries to the abbot of a nearby monastery. 牧羊人把梅子给附近修道院的修道士看。
- The country suffers year of misrule under a weak king. 该国因国王懦弱而长期混乱不治。
- The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king . 该国一些地方仍有人忠于前国王.
- The good Abbot of Holywood is a strong pillar to the weak. “圣林”修道院的主持是弱者的万无一失的靠山。
- All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny. 所有小修道院都由克呂尼的院长直接管理。
- The abbot of this temple is a monk of great achievements in the Tao. 寺里的这位住持是得道的高僧。
- Abbot of Jambalin Monastery holding a "hada" to greet the Living Buddha. 昌都地区强巴林寺大主持手捧哈达迎接活佛进寺。
- Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, the executive advisor of this event, is the abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. 光明山普觉禅寺方丈,释广声法师,是这场音乐会的执行顾问。
- After years of misrule, even basic necessities such as electricity and water are luxuries in Conakry, the capital. 经过了多年的暴政,甚至像电力和水力这样许多基础的需求在首都科纳克里都变得奢侈了。
- More regulation might possibly deter them from handling the proceeds of misrule. 加大监管力度可能会阻止他们继续经营暴政。
- NUM= 21127 The Abbot of Three Peaks Monastery has told you that his monks were murdered by a Lotus Assassin. 三峰修道院的院长告诉你他的修道士们都被一个莲花刺客下了毒手。
- A time of misrule, when every principle is turned on its head, is a tempting thing indeed. 如果有一天人们都不按规矩办事,把每一条原则都颠倒过来,那该是十分诱人的。