- abasia spastica 痉挛性行走不能
- abasia related to paralysis of the leg muscles. 与肌肉瘫痪有关的不能步行。
- abasia due to ataxia of the legs. 由于腿的共济失调而不能走路。
- abasia due to trembling of the legs. 由于腿发颤而不能走路。
- abasia related to abnormal movements of the legs. 由于腿的异常运用不能走路。
- abasia related to spasticity of the legs. 与腿部痉挛有关的步行不能。
- of or relating to abasia (inability to walk). 无行走能力的或与之相关的(没有行走能力)。
- abasia due to spastic contractions of the leg muscles. 由于腿部肌肉痉挛而不能行走。
- abasia due to spastic contractions of the leg muscles 由于腿部肌肉痉挛而不能行走
- 8. abasia due to spastic contractions of the leg muscles. 以肌肉收缩和放松交替变化为特征的痉挛。
- myosis spastica [医] 痉挛性瞳孔缩小, 刺激性瞳孔缩小
- scelotyrbe spastica [医] 痉挛性小腿痉瘫
- aphonia spastica 痉挛性失声症
- pseudosclerosis spastica [医] 痉挛性假硬化, 雅各布氏病
- spastica vasomotoria rhinitis [医] 血管痉挛性鼻炎
- dysphagia spastica 痉挛性吞咽困难
- dysphonia spastica 痉挛性发音困难
- urina spastica [医] 痉挛性尿, 癔病尿, 歇斯底里性尿
- cholepathia spastica [医] 胆管痉挛
- ischuria spastica [医] 痉挛性闭尿