- a tortuous mountain track 蜿蜒的山间小径
- A tortuous road through the mountains. 山中的一条蜿蜒的道路
- a rugged mountain path, twisting and turning; a tortuous mountain path 崎岖的山路千回百转
- History follows a tortuous course. 历史是循着一条曲折的道路发展的。
- We have travelled a tortuous road. 我们走过了曲折的道路。
- The mountain track is negotiable, but only with difficulty. 山上的小路可以通行,只是难走。
- It has followed a tortuous path. 我们党的发展,走过了曲折道路。
- We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track. 我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。
- They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail. 他们沿着崎岖的山路攀登。
- The war has followed a tortuous course. 战争走过了曲折的道路。
- A tortuous plot;tortuous reasoning. 变化多端的情节;曲折推理
- It took all he could do to keep his cart from going over in the tortuous mountain trails. 他竭尽全力才算保住大车,没有在曲曲弯弯的山路上翻倒。
- History[Revolution]always follows a tortuous course[road]. 历史[革命]总是走一条曲折的道路。
- The mountain track is negotiable,but only with difficulty. 山上的小路可以通行; 只是难走.
- a tortuous mountain path 迂曲的山路
- We had to take a tortuous route before we got to the place. 我们转弯抹角地走了好一会才找到那个地方。
- The road thither was a rough mountain track, upon which lay the snow to a depth of two feet. 到那儿去的路是一条崎岖的山路,上面还覆盖着两英尺深的雪。
- In a word, Myanmar has a tortuous, slow but coherent process of modernization. 不对之处,敬请各位方家批评指正。
- There stirred in her a tortuous impulse to push the matter toward decision. 这件事非得解决不可,她心痒痒地要来试一下,简直如坐针毡。
- They now had to retreat over the mountain track under close Australian ground and air pursuit. 这时,他们在澳大利亚的地面部队和空军的紧紧追击下,不得不沿着山道撤退。