- Excerpt from a talk with President Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia [September 5,1998] and excerpt from remarks made after hearing a report on a tentative programme for the reform of prices and wages [September 12,1998]. 这是邓小平同志两次谈话的节录,分别摘自一九八八年九月五日会见捷克斯洛伐克总统胡萨克时的谈话和一九八八年九月十二日听取关于价格和工资改革初步方案汇报时的谈话。
- They set up a tent near the seashore. 他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。
- We rigged up a tent with an old blanket. 我们用旧毛毯草草搭成帐篷。
- Here is a tentative free on board price list. 这是暂时的船上交货价目表。
- She rose and took a tentative step backward. 她起身试探着退了一步。
- What is a tentative advertising appropriation ? 初次广告费是多少?
- Could we make a tentative appointment for Friday? 我们能暂时先约在星期五吗?
- BR> e can draw up a tentative plan now. 我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
- She made a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks. 她用一块布和几根棍子造了一个帐篷。
- The boy scouts pitched a tent in a field . 童子军们在田野里张起帐幕。
- It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent . 仅用几分钟时间就可搭个帐蓬。
- a tentative programme 初步方案
- I have drawn up a tentative security plan. 我已经草拟了一个临时的保安方案。
- If you cut the ropes of a tent,it will collapse. 如果你割断帐篷的绳索,它就会倒塌。
- You see the heavens stretched out like a tent. 你可以看见天空象一个大布幕一样张着。
- The boy scouts pitched a tent in a field. 童子军们在田野里张起帐幕。
- Tentative programme schedule subject to change. The presenter reserves to right to change the speakers, topics and schedule without prior notice. 主办机构保留权利修订研讨会内讲者;讲题及程序.;节目如有更改;恕不另行通知
- It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent. 仅用几分钟时间就可搭个帐蓬。
- (Excerpt from a talk with President Gustav Husak of Czechoslovakia [September 5, 1998] and excerpt from remarks made after hearing a report on a tentative programme for the reform of prices and wages [September 12, 1998].) (这是邓小平同志两次谈话的节录,分别摘自一九八八年九月五日会见捷克斯洛伐克总统胡萨克时的谈话和一九八八年九月十二日听取关于价格和工资改革初步方案汇报时的谈话。)
- That list will only be a tentative list, however. 该清单将只能是一个初步清单,但是。