- The politician made a naive decision. 这个政治家做了一个幼稚的决定。
- A naive or inexperienced young person. 没有经验的年轻人或没见过世面的年轻人
- This, too, is a naive idea in these times. 在现时,这也是幼稚的想法。
- a naive delusion 天真的幻想
- It was a naive unrevolutionary discontent. 那种不满情绪是朴素的,不是革命的。
- I remember in 1997, when I was a naive child. 记得1997年,那时我还是一个不懂事的孩子。
- If she was a naive girl, Guy Pollock was a clumsy boy. 如果说她是一个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是个笨头笨脑的小伙子。
- A naive idealist who supports philanthropic or humanitarian causes or reforms. 社会改良空想家幼稚的理想主义者,支持善心或博爱的事件的改革者
- To imagine that no contradictions exist is a naive idea. 没有矛盾的想法是天真的想法。
- In his world, there is always a naive, tender and intimate emotion. 高度洗?的乐曲诠释自是不在话下,但他的音乐世界里更有股纯真,温柔,亲切的味道。
- The campaign worker, a naive Virginian, is an Indian descent. 那名男子是竞选工作者,朴素的有印第安血统的弗吉尼亚人。
- The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt. 不自主的防卫行为把某人自己的态度、感觉或欲望归因到某人或某事上,以此作为与焦虑或内疚相对抗的幼稚或不自觉的反抗
- Ago is a naive girl, but it has now become a mature woman, strong-minded. 以前是个不懂事的女孩,现在却变成了一个成熟有主见的女人。
- P4 impoverished Myanmar, small villages, the children, was a naive joy. 关于缅甸公路小三有不少在缅甸一些障碍,军队不能拍摄,拍摄张。
- To imagine that none exist is a naive idea which is at variance with objective reality. 没有矛盾的想法是不符合客观实际的天真的想法。
- To train a Naive Bayes model based on the targeted mailing data in the AdventureWorksDW database. 并根据AdventureWorksDW数据库中的目标邮件数据来为Naive Bayes模型定型。
- I'm going to take you for a nice stroll in the forest. I know at first sight you're a naive little girl. 我就带你在森林里好好转转
- The following example adds a Naive Bayes mining model to the New Mailing mining structure. 以下示例将Naive Bayes挖掘模型添加到New Mailing挖掘结构中。
- When she was a naive little girl, he was crying in his mother's hug. Maybe, this is what God arranges. 当她是个天真的小女孩子时,他还在妈妈的怀抱里哭泣。可能这就是上天的安排。
- A naive projection of their past growth rates into the future was likely to greatly over- state their real prospects. 若以过去的增长率来预测未来,会显得考虑欠妥,因为那种预测会严重夸大未来的实际增长。