- The juice of this fruit is a mild narcotic. 这种果汁有轻度催眠作用.
- a mild narcotic effect 温和的催眠作用
- The juice of this fruit is a mild narcotic 这种果汁有轻度催眠作用.
- I felt comfortable on narcotic effect. 在麻醉剂的作用下我感到舒服些。
- Please make my drink a mild one. 请把我的酒调得淡一点。
- She suffered from a mild stomach disorder. 她患轻度胃病。
- It's been a mild winter this year. 今年的冬天一直很暖和。
- He gave a mild answer, in spite of his annoyance. 他尽管已恼火,但回答得还是很和蔼。
- In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world. 也门广泛消费这种植物,但世界各个地区广泛禁止。
- A mild spring day; mild weather in June. 温暖宜人的春天; 六月宜人的天气
- He told her the news in a mild tone. 他委婉地把消息告诉了她。
- There was a mild recession in the early 1950s. 五十年代初期曾发生较轻微经济衰退。
- Ralph gave a mild ambiguous laugh. 拉尔夫露出了暧昧的温和的微笑。
- Croft felt a mild affection for him. 克洛夫特对他还有了些好感。
- I shall venture on a mild protest. 我要冒昧提一个温和的抗议。
- She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes. 她已改吸另一牌子味道较淡的香烟。
- He possesses a mild and benevolent countenance. 他的面容温和而慈祥。
- Either or both could mitigatethe narcotic effect that the entertainment industry and the breathtaking pace of globalization have had on Congress. 二者都能减轻娱乐业和全球化的惊人步伐对国会的负面影响。
- A high fever often accompanies a mild infection. 轻微的炎症常常伴有高烧。
- Either or both could mitigate the narcotic effect that the entertainment industry and the breathtaking pace of globalization have had on Congress. 二者都能减轻娱乐业和全球化的惊人步伐对国会的负面影响。