- a gory battle, fight, film, spectacle, etc 血肉横飞的战斗、 打斗、 影片、 场面等
- A gory battle,fight,film,spectacle,etc 血肉横飞的战斗、打斗、影片、场面等
- a gory battle 血战
- They fought unequal battle, for at length One lay below a gory mess, inert. 二敌不俱刚,一肉卧土窟。
- He was busy inventing a gory horror story to frighten all the girls. 他正在忙着编一个血淋淋的恐怖故事来吓唬女孩们。
- It was a gory day. Consequently it was an extremely satisfactory one. 这是一场血淋淋的战争,因此也是个痛快淋漓的日子。
- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- In a gory and bloody scene, a horrific Zombie Flash Mob eats the brains of an innocent bystander. 在一个血腥的场景里,一群可怕迅猛的吸血鬼在抢食一个无辜路人的大脑。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man, and it had been recognized by somebody as belonging to Muff Potter -- so the story ran. 据传闻,人们在死人的附近发现了一把带血的刀,经人辨认说它是莫夫 - 波特的。
- I am sick and tried of fighting a losing battle. 我对从事一场毫无成功希望的斗争厌倦了。
- In the first, a timed tast that required memorizing a list followed by a short test,subjects through a gory video on surgical procedures. 首先,是要求受试者在看完一段血腥的外科手术录像后,在一定的时间内记住一份清单。
- He had his leg shot off in a battle. 在一次战斗中,他的一条腿给打断了。
- He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话。
- He received a serious wound in the battle. 在这次战斗中他受了重伤。
- The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle. 敌人在一场决定性的战斗中被击败。
- Man is fighting a battle against pollution. 人类正在与污染作斗争。
- And sure enough, following on a gory description of the annihilation of a Eurasian army, with stupendous figures of killed and prisoners, came the announcement that, as from next week, the chocolate ration would be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty. 果然,先是鲜血淋漓地描述对欧亚国军队的屠戮,报告大量杀伤俘获的人数,而后便宣布,从下周开始,巧克力的定量供应从三十克减到二十克。
- Our work can be compared to a battle. 我们的工作好比一场战斗。