- The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting. 那些股东被召集去叁加股东大会。
- He summoned shareholders to a general meeting. 他召集了股东大会。
- He summoned shareholders to a general meeting . 他召集了股东大会。
- We're having a general meeting tomorrow. Will you be able to make it? 我们明天召开全体会议,你可以参加吗?
- Great! I think we've covered all the bases. I'll set up a general meeting for next Monday to make the announcement. 好极了!我想我们已将方方面面都考虑周全了。下周一我将召开全体大会宣布进行重组。
- A general meeting of MA will be held at least once every semester, called and conducted by SB. 家长大会每学期召开一次,由理事会召集。
- The liquidation group of a company limited by shares is determined by a general meeting of the shareholders. 股份有限公司的清算组由股东大会确定其人选
- In 1879, Calvin Mateer went back to the United States to attend a general meeting of the Presbyterian Church. 1879年即光绪五年,他应邀返国去参加美国全国长老会的年会。
- The company decided to summon the shareholders to a general meeting to select the location for the building. 公司决定开股东大会来选址建楼。
- Each Full member shall have one vote. Decisions of a General Meeting require a simple majority of the votes of the Full members present or represented. 每一个完全会员只有权投一票。依照简单多数原则根据到会完全会员投票结果,通过会员大会决议。
- Extraordinary General Meeting"means a General Meeting of the members of the Foundation specially summoned under these Articles. 理事会特别会议"指由基金理事会通知特别召开的、由各理事所参加的会议。
- The general meeting was a complete shambles. 大会闹得天翻地覆。
- Gregory: Great! I think we've covered all the bases. I'll set up a general meeting for next Monday to make the announcement. 已经准备好了。其他相关的表格也都经过改进了。对熟悉环境步骤的修改也已在着手进行之中。一切都已就绪。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- When a general meets a worthy opponent, he won't dare to underestimate him. 棋逢对手难相胜,将遇良才不敢骄。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- Invitations to a General Meeting shall be sent in writing to all members at least two weeks before the meeting. The agenda shall be added to the invitation. 会员大会的邀请函应至少在会议召开前两周寄至所有会员,包括会议日程。
- The rebels returned home under a general amnesty. 造反的人经大赦释放回家。
- The company may by ordinary resolution passed at a general meeting convert any paid-up shares into stock and reconvert any stock into paid-up shares of any denomination. 三十五、公司可经股东大会普通决议通过,将缴足股本的股票转变成证券以及将任何证券转变成任何种类的缴足股本的股票。
- Do you think it's a general trend? 你认为这是总的趋势吗?