- The police discovered the hostage bound hand and foot in a disused warehouse. 警察在一个废弃的仓库里发现了手脚被捆的人质。
- The house seemed as dreary as a disused street. 整处屋子阴森得象一条冷清的街道。
- a disused well 一口废置不用的水井
- We took a rope to go rock-climbing up the side of a disused stone quarry. 我们带着绳子去一个废弃的采石场玩攀岩。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- The site chosen for the grave is a disused lime kiln on the edge of Libin village. 小山坡上的这个伤疤成了这场灾害遇难者的巨大墓地。
- If you have competence and don't use it, you will soon be rusty just like the iron of a disused key and finally uncomplete the work arranged to you. 如果一个人有才而不用,就像废弃钥匙上的铁一样,这些才能很快就会生锈,并最终无法完成安排给自己的工作。
- It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard. 在一间门上写着小心豹子的废弃厕所里某个上锁的文件柜的柜底上。”
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The nearest hiding place was a shabby brick structure some fifteen or twenty ells from where he crouched, a disused kiln or oven that squatted on the chamber's fringe. 距他目前蹲伏的这个位置最近的藏身之处,是大约十五到二十厄尔远的一处残破的砖制的架构,它或是一个废弃的砖窑,或是一个不用的烤炉,矮矮地在这洞窟的边缘堆积着。
- You pay attention to the counter-terrorism team, a gang of armed thugs have seized the city in a disused warehouse and taking some hostage. threatening it with the police! 各位反恐队员注意了,有一伙持枪悍匪抢占了市内一间废弃的仓库并劫持了部分人质,以此与警方要挟!
- A good book does not necessarily sell well. 好书未必畅销。
- He is a friend in word as well as in deed. 他是个言行如一的朋友。
- A teacher should entertain as well as teach. 教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。
- A well devoid of water is useless. 无水的井没有用途。
- Maybe this is a disused word. 也许这个词已经废弃不用了吧。
- This is a disused machine. 这是一台废弃的机器.
- You may as well keep it a secret. 你最好将这件事保密。
- Everything went on in pretty good order, strict cleanliness, and strict punctuality; even pretty strict honesty. And yet, to Connie, it was a methodical anarchy. No warmth of feeling united it organically. The house seemed as dreary as a disused street. 一切都很的秩序地、很清洁地、很精密地、甚至很真正的进行着。然而在康妮看来,这只是有秩序的无政府状态罢了。那儿并没有感情的热力的互相联系。整处屋子阴森得象一条冷清的街道。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。