- A cloud of insects fly into the bathroom. 飞过的一大群。
- A cloud of locusts hit the farm. 大群蝗虫袭击了那个农场。
- A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air. 一股烟云飘悬在天空中。
- A cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers. 沙尘弥漫呛人或令人窒息的烟雾或尘土
- A cloud of smoke formed over the burning city. 燃烧的城市上空形成一片烟云。
- The cars set off in a cloud of dust. 那些汽车在滚滚尘埃中启动了。
- A cloud of smoke floated over the battlefield. 战场上硝烟弥漫。
- The car raised a cloud of dust as it rushed past. 汽车开过时扬起一阵尘土。
- The army ants' ruthless eating habits -- devouring any animal life in their path -- would flush a cloud of flying insects eager to get out of the way. 行军蚁吞噬其前进道路上所有动物的残忍习性,会吓得各种飞虫满天乱飞急于逃命。
- She spied a cloud of smoke in the distance. 她发现远处有一团烟。
- A cloud of smoke emitted from the chimney. 一股烟从烟囱里喷出来。
- The car raised a cloud of dust as it went by . 汽车走过时扬起一片尘土。
- The chimney blew out a cloud of light smoke. 烟囱里冒出一股青烟。
- The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt road. 运货卡车驶过那条肮脏的道路时卷起了一片尘土。
- Clouds of flies were crawling over the dead fish. 一群苍蝇在死鱼身上爬来爬去。
- The car raised a cloud of dust as it went by. 汽车走过时扬起一片尘土。
- A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him. 有一团疑云笼罩着他.
- The magician vanished in a cloud of smoke. 魔术师在一团烟雾中消失。
- A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off. 卡车开过时扬起一片灰尘。
- There are clouds of flies around the meat stall in the market . 市场肉摊上苍蝇成堆。