- She is a young woman of some twenty summers. 她是位二十来岁的年轻女人。
- She was a young woman of good appearance. 她是一位年轻貌美的女子。
- a young woman of sixteen 一个十六岁的少女
- A young woman, of sullen aspect, was sitting alone on the bench. 一个面色忧郁的年轻女人独自坐在长凳上。
- A young woman of delicate, dreamy features looked up at me. 一个眉目纤秀、令人喜爱的少女在看着我。
- The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 列车长原来是一位青年妇女。
- Do you think this union can be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth? 难道一位出身卑微的年轻女子能破坏这桩婚事?
- Their supervisor is a young woman. 他们的主管是个年轻的女士。
- A young woman guided us on a tour of the museum. 一位青年妇女领我们参观博物馆。
- As a young woman she joined a convent of nuns. 她在年轻的时候加入了女修道会。
- It is true that among her contemporaries she passed for a young woman of profundity. 确实,在她的同时代人中,她被公认是一个深奥莫测的少女。
- It is true that among her contemporaries she passed for a young woman of profundity . 确实,在她的同时代人中,她被公认是一个深奥莫测的少女。
- It was the portrait of a young woman of five or six and twenty, with a dark complexion, and light and lustrous eyes, veiled beneath long lashes. 画面上是一位青年女子,年约二十五六岁,肤色微黑,长长的睫毛下,有一双水汪汪的明亮的眼睛。
- There was growth coming to her in the matter of height, but already in appearance and intelligence she looked to be a young woman of twenty. 讲她的高度,还是继续在增长,但是她的状貌和见识,已经象似个二十岁的青年女人了。
- I engaged a young woman as a temporary secretary. 我雇用一位年轻妇女当临时秘书。
- A young woman of a modest and pleasing guise was standing before a show window gazing with sprightly interest at its display of shaving-mugs and inkstands, and two yards from the window a large policeman of severe demeanour leaned against a waterplug. 一位衣着简朴但讨人喜欢的年轻女人站在橱窗前,兴趣十足地瞪着陈列的修面杯和墨水瓶架入了迷。 而两码之外,一位彪形大汉警察正靠在水龙头上,神情严肃。
- The girl rounded out into a young woman. 这个女孩变得丰满起来,像个年轻的妇人了。
- A woman of intellect, steeped in a splendid sentiment, hitherto a miracle of female constancy, might stir a younger woman to some emulation. 一个聪明的女人,由于沉缅于崇高的感情而形成了女性坚贞如一的奇迹,这样的女人也可以在这里激发一个比较年轻的女人去仿效。
- He was in a state of irritation natural to a gentleman of fine parts who had been snubbed in a benevolent attempt to confer a distinction upon a young woman of inferior characteristics. 一个才华横溢的男子在向一个品格次等的女子慷慨垂情受到冷遇时往往会觉得愤愤不平,他这几天来一直怀有这种情绪。
- The door opened and a young woman hurried in. 门开了,一位年轻的女子匆匆而入。