- This was a wry comment on the remarkable success of an island of only 2.7m people at the Beijing Olympic games. 这是对这个人口只有270万的小国家在北京奥运会上取得的瞩目成绩的歪曲评论。
- Don Wright's cartoon offers a wry comment on the supersonic aircraft, as notorious for their noise and guzzling of fuel as they are celebrated for their speed and ele-gance. 唐-赖特的这幅漫画对这种超音速飞机做出了嘲讽性评论,当它们以其速度和体态优雅而备受称赞时,也因其噪音和高耗油量而劣名远扬。
- Gradually a wry smile settled on his face. 一丝苦笑浮现在他脸上。
- A wry smile spread over Lynde's face at this. 听了这话,林德的脸上现出一副苦笑。
- The old man shook his head with a wry smile. 老沙头嘴角挂出一丝苦涩的笑纹,摇了摇头。
- His mouth twisted into a wry smile. 他硬挤出一丝干涩的微笑。
- Jim permitted himself a wry smile. 吉姆勉强苦笑了一下。
- Suddenly, he stood up, a wry smile on his lips. 蓦地他站了起来,冷冷地狞笑。
- Like a pig, thought Ming-feng with a wry smile. 鸣凤骂了一句:“睡得这样死
- A wry smile spread over Lynda's face at this. 听了这话,林德的脸上现出一副苦笑。
- Bethune released Tung's horse and made a wry mouth. 白求恩放开了董的马,噘了噘嘴。
- A wry smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. 他的嘴角带一丝苦笑。
- He acknowledged his mistake with a wry grimace. 他做了个怪怪的表情,算是认了错。
- John looked at me and smiled, a wry smile. 约翰看着我,笑了一下,笑容扭曲。
- a wry comment 挖苦的评论
- "I have, my lord," replied Kaloth with a wry smile. "有的,领主。"卡鲁夫回答说,他露出了一丝讽刺的笑容。
- He twisted his mout into a wry smile. 他咧嘴苦笑了一下。
- He twist his mouth into a wry smile. 他咧嘴苦笑了一下。
- Farmer suggests with a wry smile. 法默带着一脸歪笑提示道。
- He twisted his mouth into a wry smile. 他咧嘴苦笑了一下。