- a wide divergence of opinion 严重的意见分歧
- The survey revealed a wide spread of opinion. 调查结果表明各种意见差别很大.
- There is a wide body of opinion that supports this proposal. 支持这项提议的大有人在。
- There's a wide spectrum of opinions on this problem. 对这个问题的说法众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- There is a wide spectrum of opinions on this question. 在这个问题上有著各种不同的意见。
- This divergence of opinion is one of the fundamental differences between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. 这种意见分歧是上座部和大乘佛教之间的基本差异之一。
- "There is a divergence of opinion among researchers about the number of people who are experiencing homelessness in the course of a year," Mangano said. 曼格诺说:“调查人员对全美一年内无家可归人数的观点存在分歧。”
- A normal society should have a wide variety of opinions. 一个正常的社会本该有许多不同意见。
- A divergence of opinion. 意见分歧
- We sell a wide range of ales and stouts. 我们出售种类繁多的浓啤酒和黑啤酒。
- It is a difference of opinion that makes horse race. 赛马之所以(能够)成立,是由于有不同的看法(意见)。
- Television also provides a wide range of opinion by setting up four or five experts and letting them knock each other down. 电视还通过邀请四、五位专家在电视上互相指责来提供各种不同的见解。
- We had a difference of opinion (ie argued) over who had won. 我们在究竟是谁获胜的问题上发生了争执。
- He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交游甚广。
- a growing divergence of opinion. 两种观点的矛盾已经暴露无遗了。
- He has a wide knowledge of French history. 他具有广博的法国历史知识。
- divergence of views; differences of opinion 意见分歧
- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。
- The key is to understand that conflict, such as a divergence of opinions, can be healthy. 关键是理解例如意见分歧上的矛盾是健康的。
- This store sells a wide range of TV sets. 这家商店出售各种型号的彩色电视机。