- The sick boy gave the doctor a wan smile. 那个病男孩给医生一个病恹恹的微笑。
- Life is mostly beautiful, don't wear a wan smile! 人生大多是美好的,不要这样无精打采地。
- a wan complexion 苍白的面孔
- He wore an open-necked shirt under his greatcoat, and his wan complexion and the lock of hair dangling between his eyebrows suggested Byron.Sadly, he suffered from a heavy cold. 他大衣里只穿着一件翻领衬衫,脸色苍白,一绺头发垂在眉间,有三分像诗人拜伦,就可惜是重伤风。
- Jackson often insisted that his wan complexion was the result of treatment for a skin disorder called vitiligo, but that did not explain why his once-broad nose became long, sleek and pertly tipped. 杰克逊常“辩白”,说自己苍白的肤色是治疗白癜风皮肤病的后遗症,但没法解释自己宽扁的鼻子为什么会变得瘦长、圆滑和尖削。
- The farther you send data over a WAN, the more it costs. 在广域网上,数据送得越远,成本就越高。
- The farther you send data over a WAN,the more it costs. 在广域网上,数据送得越远,成本就越高。
- She gave me a wan smile(= showing no energy or enthusiasm). 她勉强向我微微一笑。
- A wan sun came onto his face, making the black skin shine like dull metal. 淡淡的阳光照到他的脸上,使他的黑皮肤象一块没有光泽的金属一样闪亮。
- This page will describe how routers and serial connections are used in a WAN. 这页将描述路由器和连续的连接如何被用于在一个广域网路。
- She has dark hair and a fresh complexion. 她头发乌黑,气色很好。
- A wan expression. 惨淡的表情
- I saw a wan woman in rusty widow's weed leading a child in one hand and carrying her frugal marketings in the other. 我看见一位面色苍白的妇女,穿着已褪色的寡妇丧服,一手牵着小孩,另一手提着从市场上买来的少许东西。
- In a WAN, when the data bits arrive at the destination node, transmission stops right there. 在一个广域网中,当数据位达到了目的网点时,传输也就正好停止到那里。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- In the twilight, covered with mud, the men look like silver shadows on a wan silver plain. 暮色苍茫下,浑身泥浆的士兵看去就像白茫茫的平野上一个白糊糊的幽灵。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- With this type of solution, a single encryption device at each site can support any number of virtual circuits across a WAN. 利用这个解决方案,每一场点上的一台加密装置能支持广域网上任何数量的虚拟线路。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。