- It was a violent political upheaval. 这是一场激烈的政治动乱。
- a violent political upheaval 激烈的政治动乱
- You have suddenly landed on the liberal political ground from a violent political base, especially afterthe 12-point understanding with the seven parties. What were the reasons behind the understanding? 您突然由暴力政治转为自由政治,特别是您在与七个政党达成12点协议后。那是为什么呢?
- Don't mess with her: she's got a violent temper. 别干预她的事,她脾气很暴。
- A violent impatience overcame him. 他变得极不耐烦。
- He is cursed with a violent temper. 他深受暴躁脾气之害。
- The enemy seized the town after a violent attack. 敌人猛攻后占领了这个城镇。
- The medicine produced a violent reaction. 这药物引起了剧烈的反应。
- A violent physical or verbal attack. 攻击,抨击武力或口头上的攻击
- These black clouds forebode a violent storm. 这些乌云预示着狂风暴雨即将到来。
- The demonstration end in a violent clash with the police. 游行示威以与警察的激烈冲突而告终。
- The district was hit by a violent earthquake on. November30. 11月30日,这地区发生一次强烈地震。
- His chief political baggage consisted of a violent antiracism. 他的主要政治理论是强烈的反种族主义。
- The political upheaval in Kenya has pushed tea prices higher. 肯尼亚的政治动荡使得茶叶价格上涨。
- Don't mess with her,she's got a violent temper. 别惹她,她的脾气很暴躁。
- I'm afraid of dying a violent death. 我怕暴死。
- The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country, that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals, is being dangerously shaken(New York Times) 这个国家根深蒂固的温和派立
- The black cloud presignified a violent storm. 乌云预示着一场猛烈的暴风雨。
- "The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country, that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals, is being dangerously shaken" (New York Times) “这个国家根深蒂固的温和派立场、那种反对剧烈政治动荡的根本保障现在正危险地发生动摇”(纽约时报)
- The soldiers launched into a violent attack. 士兵们展开猛烈的攻击。