- a unisex beauty parlor 男女不分的美容院
- My sister goes to a beauty parlor once a week. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
- She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor. 她的头发是在美容院做的。
- Please recommend a good beauty parlor to me. 请帮我推荐一个好的美容院好吗?
- How Does a Beauty Parlor Choose the Right Products? 美容院如何选择顾客满意的美容产品?
- This is a beauty parlor in open air. 北京街头露天美容店。
- Is there a beauty parlor near here? 这儿附近有美容院吗?
- She had a facial at the beauty parlor. 她在美容院做了一次美容。
- Be an essential nice assistant of beauty parlor! 是美容院不可缺少的好帮手!
- We left the beauty parlor happily and contently. 大家都很开心满意的走出美容院的大门.......
- One day I came home from the beauty parlor, tired as a dog. 一天我从美容院拖著疲惫的身子回家,一进门,就看儿子一张红扑扑的小脸,向我跑过来:妈咪,妳回来啦!
- That beauty parlor fix so high price that nobody comes in. 那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。
- That beauty parlor rated highly,So nobody inquiring. 那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。
- That beauty parlor prices high, and no one comes by. 那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。
- There is no one because the beauty parlor make an expensive price. 那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。
- Romance isn't often found within 10 feet of a vending machine and a unisex bathroom. 恋情通常不会发生在离自动贩卖机或男女通用的洗手间10英尺以内的地方。
- Single Female Lawyer: It's bad enough to proposition a single female lawyer. But this is a unisex bathroom! 女律师:我反对,你居然向一个单身女律师提出这样的要求!更何况这里是男女混用的卫生间。
- In any genetically successful love match, one of the partners ought to hate a unisex perfume. 在任何基因非常搭配的男女之间,其中一方应该厌恶中性香水。
- A girl named Linda goes to the beauty parlor to have her nails varnished. 一位名叫琳达的女孩去美容院染指甲。
- The Beauty parlor priced itself out of the market By charging so much. 那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。