- The two prime ministers discussed the matter and found they were at one; both wanted to avoid a trade war at any cost. 两位总理讨论了这个问题,发现他们的看法是一致的,双方都愿意不惜任何代价避免贸易战。
- The prevailing opinion seems to be that a trade war can be averted if both countries make concessions. 最普遍的观点认为商业战争在两个国家都作出让步的情况下是可避免的。
- We're not worried that it will lead to a trade war because we have good relations with China. 我们并不担心这会导致贸易战,因为我们与中国有着良好的关系。
- The US is hurting, too.There is all the tinder for a trade war, with massive implications for the rest of the world. 美国也会受害,贸易战争蓄势待发,对世界其他国家影响深远也是让人感到忧虑的。
- The US Senate has agreed to water down a "buy American" clause over fears it could provoke a trade war. 德国出口商对此发出警告,称即使美国参议院投票软化该条款,这仍可能引发一场贸易战争。
- This is bad economics: both China and America would lose enormously from a trade war. 这在经济上并不划算:中美两国在一场贸易战中都将损失惨重。
- Indeed, there is now a real threat of resurging trade protectionism or even a trade war, which obviously would not be good for the global economy. 事实上,贸易保护主义正在抬头,更有可能演变为贸易战,这种趋势显然对全球经济有害无益。
- If the world slowdown is not to lead to a trade crisis, America and Europe need to work together. Instead, they are on the verge of a trade war. 如果经济世界发展的减缓不能带来经济转折的话,美国和欧洲就需要进行联合,否则他们就将面临一场贸易战。
- America tonight imposed punishing import tariffs on steel, which looks likely to spark a trade war between the US and Europe. 美国于今晚对钢铁征收处罚性关税,此举可能引发美国同欧洲的贸易大战。
- With a measure of good sense, a spat between the U.S. and China involving tires and chickens won't devolve into a trade war as well. 从好的方面来看,中国和美国之间关于轮胎和鸡肉的纷争将不会演变成一场贸易战。
- New York Times publishes the opinion: it is not the right time for Obama administration to start a trade war with China. 纽约时代发表署名文章谴责奥巴马政府在不恰当的时机发动针对中国的贸易战。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。
- If China continues to rack up big surpluses over the coming months without strengthening its currency, some warn it could result in a trade war. 一些人警告,如果中国在未来几个月继续出现大额盈余而不让人民币升值,可能导致一场贸易战争。
- He has never belonged to a trade union. 他从未加入过工会。
- Critics warned that if the relevant provisions was adopted, the United States of such an approach could trigger a vicious cycle of protectionism, and even a trade war. 批评人士警告说,如果相关规定获得通过,美国的这种做法可能引发保护主义的恶性循环,甚至是贸易战。
- United States President Barack Obama issued a trade war to China's "invitation" to announce in the next three years, right in the levy punitive tariffs on Chinese-made tires. 美国总统奥巴马向中国发出了贸易战的“邀请”,宣布在未来三年中对中国产轮胎征收惩罚性关税。
- We have a trade surplus of 400 million. 我们有 4 亿英镑的贸易顺差。
- Trade War: A Series of Soap Opera is on the Show? 观察员言论贸易战:连续上演的戏剧?
- A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood. 行业行业、职业或其它谋生的方式
- A trade war might ensue. 贸易战可能随之爆发。