- A tortuous road through the mountains. 山中的一条蜿蜒的道路
- History follows a tortuous course. 历史是循着一条曲折的道路发展的。
- We have travelled a tortuous road. 我们走过了曲折的道路。
- It has followed a tortuous path. 我们党的发展,走过了曲折道路。
- a tortuous alley 曲曲弯弯的胡同
- The war has followed a tortuous course. 战争走过了曲折的道路。
- A tortuous plot;tortuous reasoning. 变化多端的情节;曲折推理
- History[Revolution]always follows a tortuous course[road]. 历史[革命]总是走一条曲折的道路。
- In the courtliest of tones, Mr Sen charges John Rawls, an American philosopher who died in 2002, with sending political thinkers up a tortuous blind alley. 森以尽可能谦和却不失威严的语气声讨约翰.;罗尔斯,这位2002年离世的美国哲学家,将政治思想家们带入了一条拐弯抹角的死胡同。
- We had to take a tortuous route before we got to the place. 我们转弯抹角地走了好一会才找到那个地方。
- In a word, Myanmar has a tortuous, slow but coherent process of modernization. 不对之处,敬请各位方家批评指正。
- There stirred in her a tortuous impulse to push the matter toward decision. 这件事非得解决不可,她心痒痒地要来试一下,简直如坐针毡。
- During that time China has followed a tortuous road with alternating periods of smooth development and setbacks. 这中间,中国走的道路很曲折,有顺利发展的时期,也有遭受挫折的时期。
- A review of these 13 years shows that we have traversed a tortuous course and that our achievements are hard won. 回首这十三年,我们走过的道路很不平坦,成绩来之不易。
- Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the Rio Grande cuts a tortuous path. 崎岖的山体被蜿蜒的里约格兰地河切断,在夕阳下呈现出暗灰色光泽。
- Like every other activity in the world, revolution always follows a tortuous road and never a straight one. 革命的道路,同世界上一切事物活动的道路一样,总是曲折的,不是笔直的。
- This angiogram demonstrates a tortuous collection of irregular small vessels in the temporal region of the brain. 血管造影显示颞区不规则扭曲的小血管团。
- Also, as dendrites solidify and shrink in volume, replacement of melt must flow along a tortuous path of interleaving dendrites. 此外,作为晶体固化和量的收缩,熔化物的替代品一定会沿着交错的晶体网络流过一段曲折的路程。
- A review of these 3 years shows that we have traversed a tortuous course and that our achievements are hard won. 回首这三年,我们走过的道路很不平坦,成绩来之不易。
- Like every other activity in the world,revolution always follows a tortuous road and never a straight one. 革命的道路,同世界上一切事物活动的道路一样,总是曲折的,不是笔直的。