- a flimsy excuse; slight evidence; a tenuous argument; a thin plot. 站不住脚的借口;证据不足;无益的争论;空洞的情节。
- a flimsy excuse; slight evidence; a tenuous argument; a thin plot 站不住脚的借口;证据不足;无益的争论;空洞的情节
- He gave a tenuous account of his past life. 他对他过去的生活说得很含糊。
- Cassini had passed through a tenuous cloud. 卡西尼号还曾经穿越过稀薄的云层。
- a tenuous argument 内容贫乏的论据
- a tenuous argument. 站不住脚的论点
- Others now have only a tenuous foothold along the river. 另外一些却需依靠恒河而立足。
- I kept a tenuous connexion with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture. 我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。
- Concentration of control of mass media has congealed at a tenuous time in national history. 大众传播媒介的集中控制是在美国历史上一个软弱无力的时期形成的。
- Concentration of control of mass media has congealed at a tenuous time in American history. 大众传播媒介的集中控制是在美国历史上一个软弱无力的时期形成的。
- I kept a tenuous connection with the History School, wrote my two essays a week, and attended an occasional lecture. 我和历史学院保持着若即若离的联系,一周写两篇论文,听听临时讲座。
- She handled a difficult argument skilfully. 她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。
- Infinitely long ago it was nearly empty, filled only with a tenuous, widely dispersed, chaotic gas of radiation and matter. 无限久之前的宇宙几乎是空的,只有稀薄、乱、沌的辐射与物质气体充斥其中。
- A higher-density star will suffer much less damage than a tenuous one, just as a cannonball is barely marked as it blows a watermelon to shreds. 密度较大的恒星将比松散的恒星承受少得多的损害,就好像炮弹将西瓜轰成碎片时,它本身几乎不会受到一丝损伤。
- The fighting comes after a tenuous week-old U.N. brokered cease-fire between rebels and government forces fell apart Sunday. 一周前由联合国出面调解使得叛乱分子和政府停火协议在星期天破裂,叛乱者展开了这场战斗。
- After a long argument, he gave way. 经过长时间的辩论后,他让步了。
- The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument. 这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。
- By the end of the day, the Allies had achieved a tenuous toehold that would be laboriously expanded over the next weeks and would lead ultimately to the Nazi defeat in the West. 最后;盟国取得了微小的立锥之地;在随后的几个星期;艰难地进一步扩大地盘;最终导致纳粹在西边的失利.
- The examiners put a premium on rational argument. 评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价。
- They are having a theological argument. 他们正争论神学上的问题。