- He issued a tall order that no one could comply with. 他提出了一项谁也无法答应的无礼要求。
- It is a tall order to expect me to finish the job in two days. It will take a week at least. 期望我在两天内完成这个任务是件困难的事情。这至少得一个星期。
- That is a tall order, at least initially. 这个要求十分苛刻,至少在起步阶段是这样。
- Finishing in time was a tall order but we did it. 按时完成任务是个难题,但我们做到了。
- Stemming the tide of obesity in the Third World is a tall order. 遏止第三世界的肥胖潮流是一项极为严苛的任务。
- Finding Easter eggs for a children's party in November is a tall order. 要在11月份为孩子们的聚会搞到复活节彩蛋,这一要求难以满足。
- If is rather a tall order to get all that work completed in less than a week. 要在不到一周的时间内完成全部工作,的确是件难办的事。
- Defeating all three top teams in a week is a tall order for our team. 要我们队在一周之内打败三支最强的球队简直难于上青天。
- Getting to 60 votes, enough to defeat a filibuster, is still a tall order. 要想得到足够瓦解阻挠议事的60票仍是个苛求。
- Even with Oden healthy all season, that was going to be a tall order. 而实际上,即使整个奥登都保持健康,也将是个艰巨的任务。
- Developing a vaccine able to evoke a better cellular response than the body could mount on its own is a tall order. 想要发展某个疫苗,引起比身体自然反应还要好的细胞免疫反应,可是艰钜的任务。
- The manufacturers maintained that to expect them to double their output withing three months was a tall order. 制造商们认为,要求他们在三个月内将产量翻一翻太离谱了。
- To expect me to get all that work completed in less than a month is rather a tall order. 期望我在不到一个月时间里把所有那些工作完成是不尽情理的事情。
- Getting the crop harvested with so few hands to help was a tall order,but we did it. 帮手那么少,要将庄稼收割完是一件不容易的事,但我们做到了。
- To protect this information while,at the same time,keeping the application easy to use is a tall order. 保护信息同时使应用程序易于使用是一个很高的要求。
- He pours wine into a glass with a tall stalk. 他将酒倒入一只高脚玻璃杯中。
- It will be a tall order tohalve extreme poverty, roll back child mortality and provide universalprimary education, all by 2015. 到2015年,使贫困减半,降低儿童死亡率并提供普及初级教育,这将是一项高难度的工作。
- Getting the crop harvested with so few hands to help was a tall order, but we did it. 帮手那么少,要将庄稼收割完是一件不容易的事,但我们做到了。
- To protect this information while, at the same time, keeping the application easy to use is a tall order. 保护信息同时使应用程序易于使用是一个很高的要求。
- This is a tall order for the last l8 months of an administration heretofore more given to tactics than strategy, more to Band-Aids than to healing. 而对于在过去18个月中只注重战术而轻视战略、仅致力于治表而忽略治本的克林顿政府来说,要做到这一点着实有些勉为其难了。