- She had swung round the circle of theories and systems without finding relief. 她对各种不同理论和体系都曾经接受过,但均未能从中找到慰藉。
- a swing round the circle 竞选旅行
- swing round the circle 作巡回政治演讲
- Turn right to face round the circle. 朝右边转动头部。
- The car swung round the corner . 那辆轿车在街角转弯。
- The golfer took a swing at the ball. 打高尔夫球的人挥棒击了一下球。
- He took a swing at the tree with his axe. 他挥斧砍树。
- Say what you have to say plainly.Don't go all round the circle to get here. 你该说的就直说吧,不用转弯抹角。
- The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing. 孩子们把(一根)绳子系在树上当作秋千玩。
- A creeper was entwined round the pillar. 一根攀缘植物缠绕在柱子上。
- The crowd formed a circle round the speaker. 人们在演讲者周围形成一个圆圈。
- The putty gives a good seal round the window. 窗户四周泥的油灰密封效果很好。
- A moth was fluttering round the lamp. 有一只蛾子扑打著翅膀绕著灯飞。
- Contrived a swing from hanging vines. 用垂下来的藤曼做了一个秋千
- Let's take a look round the exhibition. 咱们看看展览吧。
- Come and join the party,it's going with a swing! 来参加晚会,正热闹着呢!
- We've booked seats in the circle. 我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。
- The cup of warm beer passed round the circle of drinkers. There was silence for a moment. Then Gabriel turned the conversation to the matter closest to his heart. 装有热啤酒的杯子在一圈喝酒人中传递。一阵沉默后。盖伯瑞尔把话题转到他最关心的事情上。
- The party went with a swing and we all enjoyed it. 聚会进行得很顺利,我们大家玩得痛快。
- She went for a little wander round the park. 她到公园去遛达遛达。