- a swift and dangerous downturn. 快速而又危险的下转。
- Beneath its sluggish surface, the currents of the Styx are swift and dangerous, often sucking down boats or pulling swimmers under. 在冥河缓慢流动的表面之下,它的暗流的流动却异常迅速,暗藏杀机,过往的船只与游泳的人经常被吸入其中。
- President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, in a statement late today, gave assurances of a swift and full-blown investigation. 菲律宾总统阿罗约今天后期在一份声明中的,保证,迅速和全面地调查。
- I noticed a swift change of expression in his face. 我注意到他脸上的表情很快地变化。
- A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best. 即使是在最好的条件下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险的。
- With ready will and quick mental selection she scattered her meagre four-fifty per week with a swift and graceful hand. 在她的想象中,她那可怜巴巴的周薪4块半大洋已经大方潇洒地花了出去,为她买来了种种她想要的东西,种种她一眼看中的东西。
- The aim is to provide a swift and sure response to unfair and factually inaccurate attacks on the club. 目的就是快速而稳妥的回应那些不公平或者不实的对俱乐部的攻击报道。
- Rose: Why? Isn't it a hassle and dangerous as well? 萝丝:为什麽?不是既麻烦又有风险吗?
- The President promised a swift and effective retribution against the terrorists. 总统保证迅速有效地对恐怖分子的行为进行惩罚。
- It was a sketchy, inadequate and dangerous scheme. 这是一个粗略的、考虑不周而且危险的计划。
- A swift and painful execution faced anyone who trespassed on its sacred precincts. 特别是好莱坞著名美籍华人演员陈冲的解说,更是画龙点睛。
- Thrill-seekers sprinted through Pamplona, Spain, in a swift and relatively clean start to the running of the bulls. 在西班牙的潘普洛纳市内,公牛赛跑迅速而相当简洁的开场后,寻找刺激的人们跑着穿越这座城市。
- Brinkmanship is a subtle and dangerous strategy. 边缘政策是一个微妙和危险的策略。
- A coal miner's job is dirty and dangerous at best . 即使在最好的环境下,煤矿工人的工作也是又脏又危险。
- With a swift and fluid movement, he spun Herleif in two wide arcs, and the two dark elves fell to the floor with a spray of crimson. 伴随着迅速的人影闪动,并旋出两道宽阔的锋刃弧线,两个黑影倒在了地上,喷出鲜红的血液。
- The phoenix is a swift and deadly spacecraft that is rapidly replacing the older scouts and corsairs in the role of fighter for the protoss. 凤凰战机是一种灵巧而致命的战机,并在出现后迅速取代了原来的海盗机和侦察机成为神族新的制空力量。
- In the wake of my death I know you will make all the usual sanctimonious noises and call upon the police to hold a swift and thorough inquiry. 众所周知,我曾经两度遭到严重袭击,还有一次我的住所遭到机关枪扫射。
- There are hefty tomes on the subject of how to best capture and organize information in a swift and legible manner and courses devoted to the subject in colleges. 在大学里,开设有如何以迅速和清晰的方式获取和组织信息的课程,并且主题多样。
- With tactful technique and rich experience in PRC's justice practice, Yuanye's lawyers guarantee a swift and effective maintenance for the benefit of our clients. 远业拥有诉讼技巧娴熟、并熟悉中国司法审判制度的律师,为客户提供快速有效的服务。
- Travel in the mountains can be slow and dangerous. 走山路有时候又慢又危险。