- A successful businessman must be aggressive. 一个成功的商人必须有进取心。
- A successful businessman must be aggressive! 成功的商人必须有进取心!
- Smart as a whip, John is a successful businessman. 由于约翰的机警灵智,他成了一个成功的商人。
- What qualities go to make a successful businessman? 企业家要具备什麽素质才能出人头地?
- He was born to be a successful businessman. 他注定会成为一个成功的商人。
- A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns. 一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难,勇敢地面对问题。
- A successful businessman always take the bull by the horn. 一位成功的生意人总是不畏艰难,勇敢地面对问题。
- An aggressive character makes a successful businessman. 一个成功的商人必须有敢作敢为的进取心。
- I became a successful businessman but my marriage went to pieces. 我成了一个成功的商人,可是我的婚姻瓦解了。
- To look at him you'd never think he was a successful businessman. 若看他的外貌,谁也想不到他是个事业有成的商人。
- To look at him you would never think he was a successful businessman . 若看他的外貌,你永远也想不到他是个事业有成的商人。
- Belated ideas cannot make you a successful businessman in information industry. 例:做信息生意的人不能事后诸葛亮。
- A friend who is a successful businessman enjoys the glitter of Las Vegas. 我有一个朋友,是成功的企业家,他很喜欢拉斯维加斯。
- Besides, I am hard-working and aggressive, which are essential to a successful businessman. 除此之外,我踏实肯干,有进取心,这是成功商人心备素质。
- If it is necessary to a successful businessman and a mountaineer together, we will first think of Wang Dan's name. 如果要把一个成功的商人和一个登山家联系在一起,我们会首先想到王石的名字。
- A successful businessman who have senior experience, credited and ebullient, handsome. 一个成功人士;资深可信;热情大方.;现在在做金融投资
- He was already a successful businessman when his father died and left him a fortune,so he's now got his bread buttered on both sides. 他父亲去世时留给他一大笔财产,他那时就已经是一个很有成就的商人了,因此他现在已过着一种安乐的生活。
- Eve is widely known as a shrewd, successful businessman, full of public spirit. 伊夫是一位有声望的成功商人,精明能干,热心公益事业。
- He was already a successful businessman when his father died and left him a fortune, so he's now got his bread buttered on both sides. 他父亲去世时留给他一大笔财产,他那时就已经是一个很有成就的商人了,因此他现在已过着一种安乐的生活。
- Car-mad Shan, a successful businessman with a million pound computer company,celebrated his returned vision by indulging a lifetime fantasy -- he bought a canary yellow Ferrari. 杉恩对车很着迷,作为一个拥有价值百万的电脑公司的成功商人,为了庆祝自己重获光明,他买了一辆淡黄色的法拉利,实现了自己的终生梦想。