- They are trying to avert a strike by the actors. 他们正设法要免除一场演员罢工。
- Owing to a strike by railway workers all train journeys have been cancelled. 因铁路工人罢工,所有车次都被取消。
- a strike by teachers 教师举行的罢课
- EXAMPLE: The ship's cargo is strikebound due to a strike by the dockworkers. 这艘船因码头工人罢工而无人卸货。
- The mines have been closed by a strike. 由于罢工矿井关闭了。
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- Police violently broke up a strike by migrant workers and held 12 strikers before deporting them. 警察暴力地停止移动劳动者(移徙工人)的罢工,且在驱逐他们出境前抓住12名罢工者。
- The union showed defiance of the court order against a strike by calling the workers off their jobs. 工会通过号召工人们旷工来对不让罢工的法院指令表示不满。
- A strike by Lufthansa's staff members may be over, but that doesn't mean things are back to normal at the airline. 联邦德国汉莎航空公司的罢工尽管结束了,但罢工给汉莎造成的影响却尚未恢复。
- A debate at the Sorbonne on the crisis of capitalism was cancelled because of a strike by students. 巴黎大学关于资本主义危机的一场辩论会由于学生罢课取消了;
- Millions of New York commuters are battling their way home in near-freezing temperatures during a strike by transit workers. 纽约公交工人罢工,在接近零度的温度下,数百万纽约乘客回家之路艰难而漫长。
- And on April 6th 2008 a strike by textile workers in a city north of Cairo was joined by young activists and billowed into a cloud of protests that spread across Egypt. 2008年4月6日,开罗北部一座城市的纺织工人罢工,其后青年活跃分子也参与其中,使其发展成为席卷埃及全境的滚滚浪潮。
- All these matters fade into insignificance compared with the repercussions of a strike by Israel against Iran, from which it would be difficult for the US to stand aside. 上述问题与以色列打击伊朗的后果相比,都算不了什么。
- The footballer took a strike at the goal. 那个足球队员飞脚射门。
- The steel workers called a strike. 钢铁工人发动了罢工。
- The union resolved to strike by 36 votes to 15. 工会以36票对15票通过决议举行罢工。
- Production was brought to a halt by a strike. 由于罢工,生产停顿了。
- Wage delays have already led to a strike by migrant workers on a construction site in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg. 由于被拖欠工资,位于乌拉尔山区叶卡特林堡(Yekaterinburg)一处建筑工地上的外来工人举行了罢工。
- The workers answered by calling a strike. 工人举行罢工进行回击。
- In the tropical resort city of Sanya a strike by hundreds of taxi drivers is a low-level instance of the kind of turbulence he has in mind. 他把数百名出租车司机在热带旅游胜地三亚市的罢工,看作是一个低收入人群引发社会动荡的例证。