- Statistics show a steep rise in unemployment. 统计资料显示失业(率)急速上升。
- There was a steep rise in prices. 价格暴涨。
- a steep rise in unemployment 失业率的激增
- There will be a rise in unemployment next year. 明年失业人数将会增加。
- It had also announced a steep rise in petrol and diesel taxes to replace other fees, such as some road tolls. 中国政府还曾宣布,将大幅提高汽油和柴油的消费税,来取代公路管理费等其它税费。
- Of 143 veterinarians questioned by the RSPCA, 80 percent reported a steep rise in the number of cases of animal obesity they had seen. 接受防止虐待动物皇家学会访问的一百四十三位动物医师中,有八成回报他们看诊的动物肥胖案例数字急遽攀升。
- Fraudulent claims are also contributing to a steep rise in car insurance costs, which are growing at their fastest rate for nearly a decade, said the AA. AA公司表示,欺诈性骗保案件数量也促成了汽车保费的陡涨。而且近十年来,骗保案件以最快的速度增长。
- People were discontented with the steep rise in prices. 人们对物价飞涨不满。
- Meanwhile, with the production material prices climbing steadily, and a steep rise in realty prices, the country is confronted with a rather arduous task in holding down inflation this year, he said. 与此同时,随着生产物资价格的不断攀升,以及房地产价格的大幅上涨,全国将面临一个相当严峻的考验控制通货膨胀,温家宝说。
- The rise in unemployment is an important factor in the increase crime rate. 失业的增加是犯罪率升高的一个重要因素。
- The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government. 对政府来说,失业人数的增长是非常重大的事情。
- She presided over the biggest ever rise in unemployment . 她负责处理前所未有的高失业率.
- The mountain rise up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- Rise in unemployment is partly attributable to a flight of money abroad. 失业人数增加的部分原因可归於资金抽逃国外。
- That been steep rises in London ,Frank , Porten ,Paris . 伦敦、法兰克福、巴黎的股市指数迅速上涨。
- The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock. 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。
- A rapid rise in price soon eventuate in mass unemployment. 价格的快速上涨很快就导致了大量的失业。
- The steep rise in prices is one manifestation of an economic crisis. 物价腾跃是经济危机的表现之一。
- The rise in unemployment is an important factor in the increasing crime rate. 失业的增加是犯罪率升高的一个重要因素。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。