- a statewide recycling program. 覆盖全州的废物回收利用计划
- Bottle soda;a bottle recycling program. 瓶装苏打;一个瓶子回收项目
- They recently set up a CD recycling program for customers. 最近,他们为顾客准备了一个CD回收方案。
- Last year, we reported on a program in Florida to give merit pay to teachers if student scores increase on a statewide test. 去年,我们报道过佛罗里达州的一项举措,如果学生在州测试中取得好成绩,那么老师就可以获得相应的绩效奖金。
- Ritz's team compared air pollution monitoring data from the Environmental Protection Agency with information from the California Birth Defects Monitoring Program - a statewide database on birth defects. ritz的研究小组用环境保护局提供的污染监测数据,与加州出生缺陷监测计划(一所全州范围的出生缺陷数据库)提供的信息相比较。
- The authorities are considering implementing a mandatory electronic recycling program. 当局正考虑采取强制性的电子器材回收计划。
- At a statewide convention last month,they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor. 在上个月召开的一次州级大会上,安玛丽被授予一枚荣誉奖章。
- From the analysis of three main types of earthquakes sources in Washington State the author introduces a statewide seismic bridge seismic retrofit program in the purpose of identifying and retrofitting the seismically vulnerable highway bridges. 从分析美国华盛顿州地震灾害的地震源类型入手,介绍了华盛顿州《桥梁抗震改造计划》。
- Beginning on Dec. 1 and continuing for 10 days, a statewide amnesty program allows noncustodial fathers and mothers to catch up on back payments without punishment of fines or jail. 自十二月一日起,为期十天的州际大赦计划允许不拥有法定监护权的父亲母亲们只要补上拖欠的赡养费,即可免交罚款,免蹲监狱。
- The programs of the private universities are not tied to the straitjacket of a statewide,uniform curriculum. 这些私立大学的教学大纲不受全国范围内统一的课程设置的限制。
- In Penang, the recycling program by Tzu Ching at University of Science Malaysia has been met with an enthusiastic response. 在槟城马来西亚理科大学的慈青,在校园内进行回收获得广大迴响,还有学生订购素食便当,把所得款项捐到洗肾中心。
- The following list will help you learn about the codes so you know which items to include in your local curbside or drop-off recycling program. 下面的列表可以帮助你了解这些编码,并使你知道你所在地区的回收系统包括了那些品种。
- If there was a statewide recount under all every scenario, Gore won the election. 如果是按照全州来算,不管在什么情况下,戈尔也都是赢家。
- A statewide ban on indoor smoking is moving closer to reality, but debate over its merits is far from over. “全州范围禁止室内吸烟”正在慢慢实现,但关于禁烟的争论却仍然剪不断理还乱。
- The bicycle recycling program is one of the largest in the United States.It is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. 该自行车回收项目是美国最大的类似组织,是由华盛顿地区自行车爱好者协会发起的。
- The programs of the private universities are not tied to the straitjacket of a statewide, uniform curriculum. 这些私立大学的教学大纲不受全国范围内统一的课程设置的限制。
- At a statewide convention last month, they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor. 在上个月召开的一次州级大会上,安-玛丽被授予一枚荣誉奖章。
- The governors of Kentucky and Oklahoma have each declared a statewide emergency. 肯塔基州及俄克拉荷马州政府各自宣布本州进入紧急状态。
- That crazy hit-or-miss system based on random chance encounters was one heck of an inefficient way to run a recycling program. 这么个脚踏西瓜皮,滑到哪里算哪里的系统,完全基于随机遭遇几率,用作再循环回收事业的话的确效率低得糟透了。
- A statewide collection of providers that are approved to give services through the One-Stop system. 全州范围内经过批准通过一站式系统提供培训服务的供应商列表。