- a spreader of gossip 散布闲言碎语的人
- A chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense. 满是闲言碎语和无用东西的信
- I heard a savo(u)ry bit of gossip today. 今天我听到一点有意思的小道消息。
- Teddy had a dish of gossip with me. 特迪跟我闲谈了一阵。
- She is a subject of gossip in the office. 她是办公室里闲谈的对象
- A bit of gossip was handed round. 传播着一些流言蜚语。
- I've heard a few tidbits of gossip. 我听到些有趣的谣言.
- Can you put an end to that kind of gossip? 你能不能别再说那种闲话?
- I heard an earful of gossip today. 我今天听到不少闲话。
- The circulation of gossip is abhorrent. 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
- My mother is averse from any kinds of gossip. 我母亲讨厌任何的闲言闲语。
- The circulation of gossip is vicious. 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。
- She was not interested in the trivia of gossip. 她对琐碎的流言蜚语不感兴趣。
- Entrepreneurs are initiators, organizers, users and spreader of innovations. 企业家是创新活动的倡导者、组织者、成果采用和推广者。
- Silence, purveyor of gossip, do not spread that report. 快别那样说,新闻记者阁下,别散布那个消息。
- Foot- and - mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip. 口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。
- As ever, Moscow is full of gossip and rumours about the answers. 莫斯科谣言漫布,众说纷纭,一如既往。
- The local paper is full of gossip masquerading as news. 这份地方报纸尽是些包装成新闻的流言蜚语。
- In this situation, a spreader will short corn and buy wheat, instead of taking a directional trade in either market. 这样的话,价差交易者就会做空玉米,并做多小麦,而不是参与这2个市场的方向交易。
- We will devote ourselves to acting as a leader and spreader of the wine culture in China. 公司致力于成为中国葡萄酒市场和文化全方位的领导者和传播者。