- a slew of unpaid bills. 很多未支付的帐单
- a slew of unpaid bills 很多未支付的帐单
- He left a trail of unpaid bills behind him. 他走后留下一连串未支付的帐单。
- The Shanghai team took advantage of a slew of Jiangxi turnovers. 上海队利用江西队的频繁失球占了上风。
- She would stay through Thursday, trying to revive the Slinky factory and reduce the stack of unpaid bills Richard had left her. 她要呆到星期四,设法将斯林基工厂盘活,让理查德留下的那摞拖欠的账单变得越来越薄。
- A slew of resumes came in as soon as the job opening was announced. 一公布这份职务有空缺,就有大批履历涌进来。
- We endured a slew of surprises this year in the NBA. 今年的NBA,我们目睹了一个又一个奇迹的发生。
- My mother once told me that after Papaw died, she found some of his old account books from the grocery store with lots of unpaid bills from his customers, most of them black. 母亲告诉我,外公去世后,她从杂货店找到几本他的旧账本,上面记着许多顾客没有支付的欠账,其中多数是黑人。
- On that night, a slew of stars dazzled the audience with their performances. 45那天晚上,众多明星用他们的表演让观众们看花了眼。
- Contributing to my fragile state of mind was a slew of personal crises. 许多个人危机造成了我脆弱的心理状态。
- A slew of vehicle safety systems are being showcased by Mercedes-Benz. 一系列的车辆安全系统正在展出的奔驰。
- A slew of beggars, some with open sores on their faces, followed us. 好大一群乞丐跟着我们,一些人的脸上裂着口子。
- The Opel Zafira followed a year later as did a slew of other imitators. 欧宝赛飞利是在一年后一样了一系列其他的模仿者。
- There is an unpaid bill on my table. 我桌上有张未付的帐单。
- The salesmen is claiming for back payment of unpaid commission. 销售人员正在提出索取尚未支付的佣金的要求。
- He faced a whole slew of problems. 他面临了一大堆的问题。
- I used all of the money to take careof my unpaid bills. 我用全部的钱都来偿付帐单。
- He was recognized for his work in the 1985 drama Witness with a Best Actor Oscar nomination and has received a slew of other prestigious awards. 他凭1985年影片《目击者》中出色表演荣获奥斯卡最佳男演员提名,此外他还获得许多其他著名奖项。
- Film Critics Circle chairman Andrew Johnston, of Radar Magazine, said there had been a slew of close contests. 纽约电影协会主席,雷达杂志主编安德鲁觉得在一些评选确实会有重复的地方。
- There is an unpaid bill of seventy-five dollars and some cents. 这里有一张应付七十五元几分的帐单。