- Without my gun, I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist. 没有这支枪,我就成了恐怖分子下手的目标。
- The president's comment on taxes make him a sit duck to critic. 总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。
- The prancing horse was a sitting duck. 跃马只能坐以待毙。
- Without our help, you would be a sitting duck. 要不是我们帮忙,你早成瓮中之鳖了。
- The president's comments on taxes made him a sitting duck to critics. 总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。
- The wealthy widow is a sitting duck for a confidence man. 这位有钱的寡妇是最容易受男骗子利用的对象。
- You’re a sitting duck if you stand outside during a tornado. 刮着龙卷风时,你站在外面是很危险的。
- Without my gun, I'm a sitting duck forany terrorist. 没有这支枪,我就成了恐怖分子下手的目标。
- Without my gun,I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist. 没有这支枪,我就成了恐怖分子下手的目标。
- Without the gun, I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist. 没有这支枪, 我就成了恐怖分子下手的目标了。
- You're a sitting duck if you stand outside during a tornado. 刮着龙卷风时,你站在外面是很危险的。
- The president's comment on taxes makes him a sit duck to critic. 总统对税收的意见使他成为众矢之的。
- Out in the open, the hunter is a sitting duck for unseen wild animals. 暴露在野外,猎人很容易成为潜伏的野生动物的攻击对象(很容易被潜伏的野生动物攻击)。
- Your airspeed will drop quickly, and a slow ship under fire is a sitting duck. 因为你的空速将急剧下降,低速飞机在火力下将成为极易击中的靶子。
- Picked up by searchlights, she was a sitting duck to the enemy guns. 被探照灯揪出后,她成了敌人机枪攻击的目标。
- He potted at a sitting wild duck. 他射击一只栖息的野鸭。
- My friend Joe is a sitting duck for any phony offer that promises to make him rich in a hurry. 只要那些滔滔不绝的推销员向他保证他们能够一夜间使他成为百万富翁,不管是谁,他都会把钱交给他们。
- If he makes stupid statements like that during the debate,he'll be a sitting duck for the opposing side. 如果他在辩论中说出那样愚蠢的话,那么他将会成为反对派攻击的目标不。
- You can drive over landmines if you go slow enough. Of course you're a sitting duck while you navigate this way. 慢速开车可以安全通过地雷,当然也很容易被敌人攻击。
- I feel like a sitting duck for crime working the night shift at the convenience store. 在便民商店做夜间工作,我感觉自己像是罪犯容易选定的袭击目标。