- An address that usually tells a processor to use a service routine. 一种地址,它通常指示处理机去执行一个服务例行程序。
- To dedicate solemnly to a service or goal. 奉献神圣地奉献给某一服务或事业
- Payment in return for something, such as a service. 报酬对某事物,如某项服务,而回报的酬金
- Is there a service charge for the checking account? 开支票账户要收服务费吗?
- I used to, but now I have got a service flat. 过去是这样,现在我租了一套包办家务的房间。
- Yes.There's such a service at the booking office. 可以,现在售票处有这项服务。
- I used to,but now I have got a service flat. 过去是这样,现在我租了一套包办家务的房间。
- A service charge of 15% was added on to the bill. 账单上附加了 15%25 的服务费。
- I have a service passport to America. 我有美国的公务护照。
- I had taken the car in for a service. 我把车送去检修了。
- That will be $50, plus a service charge of $2.50. 您消费50元,另加 2.;50 元的服务费。
- This car is overdue for a service. 这辆汽车早就该维修了。
- We are here to provide a service for the public. 我们来这里是为公众服务。
- We are here to provide the public with a service. 我们来这里是为公众服务。
- Can the SoB client be run as a service? 客户端能以服务器的形式运行吗?
- Gets a service from the service container. 从服务容器中获取服务。
- In its final form, a service is a program. 服务的最终形式为程序。
- A service contract may not be used until the? 何时可以使用服务合同?
- A service fee will be charged by SCT to the Branch. SCT会向该分公司收取服务费。
- A service is a collection of one or more endpoints. 服务是一个或者多个端点的集合。