- To a man like me, it's a seductive idea. 对于象我这么一个人来说,这是一个很有诱惑力的主意。
- "Melts in your mouth" such a seductive mirage. “让我融化在你的口中”多形象的广告啊。
- She tempted him with a seductive dance. 她以诱人的舞蹈来勾引他。
- a seductive dress 诱人的连衣裙
- A seductive woman vamps the man by using her sensuality. 一位诱人的女子以她的性感色诱男人。
- His singing style is closer to a seductive sigh than a vocal line. 他的演唱风格比较接近一种诱惑或叹息,而不是从声带中发出的唱词。
- However, such a seduction is not love. 然而,这样一种诱惑并不是爱。
- It is a seductively simple solution. 这个简单的解决办法实在诱人。
- This company gives us a seductive offer on engineering the merger with us. 这家公司在计划跟我们的合并时给我们提出了有诱惑力的条件。
- The woman is seductively dressed. 那个女人打扮得很妖艳。
- The clerk held out a dress for Martha to try on. 店员拿出一件衣服给玛莎试穿。
- A hostess deliberately places a seductive lady next to a husband with a jealous wife. 一位女主人故意把一个风骚女郎安排在其妻甚妒的男士邻座。
- Can leukaemia seductively dressed or made up? 白血病能冶好吗?
- Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place.Saipan was like a bowl of tropical Jell-O. 塞班岛是个充满诱惑力的地方,像装满了热带“吉露果子冻”的碗一样,因此我常常会为自己莫名的害怕而感到不可思议。
- She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
- Zhan entered the park, the territory has a seductive, everywhere soliciting idea has become home to, can swim, can reward the valuable art landscape. 进入詹园,处处有养眼之境、处处引人遐思,已成为可居、可游、可赏的珍贵艺术景观。
- I had to wash and dress in a hurry. 我得匆匆洗个澡穿好衣服。
- She possessed, however, a seductive outline;her forearms were cushionlike and perhaps the feel of those encircling arms attracted men. 她的身材却是相当诱人,两段小臂如橡皮垫一样绵软富有弹性,也许正是它们诱惑了男人,使他们沉醉于为其环抱的那种感觉。
- Maintains a sense of elegance and finesse the richness of a Cabernet,the smooth plush tannins of a Syrah and a seductive finish of a Merlot. 浓厚的卡本内,豪迈的切拉子,诱人的梅洛舒适的橡木桶味,储存于法国橡木桶内,令收结悠长。
- His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. 他的衣服是用洗后不用烫的纤维衣料做的。