- a sacrificial victim 祭品
- When the skin grass mounts the fashion stage time, namely becomes “the fashion sacrificial victim” as raw material life. 当皮草登上时尚舞台的时候,作为原材料的生灵即成为“时尚的牺牲品”。
- This causes the blood Forder - Bingley Bank to become turns the financial storm for this reason another sacrificial victim. 这使得布拉德福德-宾利银行成为此轮金融风暴的又一个牺牲品。
- In the Palestinian Sa's 9 winning streaks, the Lisbon athletics is the first sacrificial victim, Palestinian Sa easily defeats the match. 巴萨的9连胜中,里斯本竞技是第一个牺牲品,巴萨轻松战胜对手。
- A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames. 燔祭用火烧祭的供品
- A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirelyby flames. 燔祭用火烧祭的供品。
- Its third wealth newspaper achievement is higher than the analyst to forecast that specially these thought the valley songfest becomes the economic recession sacrificial victim's people's guess. 其第三财报业绩高于分析师预测,特别是那些认为谷歌会成为经济衰退的牺牲品的人们的猜测。
- Shang oracle bones refer to other rites requiring dogs as sacrificial victims. 甲骨文中提到其他的仪式也要用狗来作为祭品。
- Nasa is a sacrificial altar with vitality unique to the Qiang people's society. 摘要纳萨是羌族社会中独特的其有顽强生命力的祭祀神坛。
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- A large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering. 洗礼盆古犹太教神殿中祭司在献祭品前用来洗手的大盆
- a victim; a prey; a scapegoat; a sacrificial lamb 牺牲品
- He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin. 他死于刺客的匕首之下。
- The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊。
- Perhaps they're having a sacrificial ceremony. Or would you go ask someone to find it out? 应该在举行祭祀大典吧。哎,要不你去打听打听?
- They became furious marauders, driven to raid villages and caravans to sate their bloodlust and procure sacrificial victims for their demonic master. 他们变成暴躁的掠夺者,袭击村庄和商队来满足他们的杀戮欲并将被害者献祭给他们的恶魔领袖。
- It was thus that the battles over hunting and vivisection began, amid which the zoo became a sacrificial offering. 一场世纪新战争于是揭幕:首当其冲的是打猎与动物实验,动物园则是下一个牺牲品。
- The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk. 在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。
- These are interpreted as sacrificial victims, accompanying their leader in death, and it would appear that they died relatively peacefully. 这些被认为是献祭的受害者,陪伴着他们死去的领导者,也表现出他们的死是相当平静。
- A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on Tomb-sweeping Day. 赶上清明节,去火葬场烧纸的人会特别多。