- In short, do something new to make teaching refreshing for yourself so that a routine job becomes an excitement and a challenge. This is good for your psychological well-being and professional morale. 总之,在时间和精力允许的情况下,尽量求新求变,料和方法,使自己感到新鲜,把本来例行公事化的教学变成富有刺激和挑战的创作,这么做,时间和精力上也许要稍微多付出一点,可是效果却有利于自己的心理健康和工作士气。
- In short,do something new to make teaching refreshing for yourself so that a routine job becomes an excitement and a challenge. This is good for your psychological well-being and professional morale. 总之,在时间和精力允许的情况下,尽量求新求变,料和方法,使自己感到新鲜,把本来例行公事化的教学变成富有刺激和挑战的创作,这么做,时间和精力上也许要稍微多付出一点,可是效果却有利于自己的心理健康和工作士气。
- A place in a routine where a branch is selected. 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。
- One part of a document, a program, or a routine. 一份文件程序或例行程序的一部分内容。
- Gradually the six men settled into a routine. 六个人渐渐走上了正轨。
- The fault was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。
- It's just a routine fact check on your piece. 就是照惯例检查下你作品的真实性。
- It seems to have become a routine. 这似乎已经成为我的一个习惯了。
- It was a routine that everybody knew. 这规矩谁都知道。
- A routine that can be part of another routine. 一种可以是另一例程的一部分的例行程序。
- A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus. 一次常规扫描发现胎儿畸形。
- How many skills does a routine contain? 一场比赛有多少个技能动作?
- Before the match I have a routine. 比赛前偶有特定的习惯。
- She had hypokalemia on a routine chemistry panel. 常规电解质检测显示低钾血症。
- VBScript function and would end a routine). 语言功能,并结束了例行的) 。
- Central venous cannulation is a routine procedure. 中枢静脉中的套管插入术是一项常规手术。
- Finishing his routine job of painting the automatic fire alarm annunciator at 3 o'clock, he would paint the houses for other people, every day. 他每天为火警自动报警匣刷油漆,直到3点下班。然后他会去给人家的房子刷漆。
- A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another. 当数据从一个设备传送到另一个设备时,用于补偿数据流速率差或事件发生时间差的一种例行程序或存储器。
- Computers take over routine jobs in the office and at home. 电脑在办公室和家庭中替人类从事日常工作。
- a routine job 乏味的工作