- He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a room full of people. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子人讲话了。
- She's too shy to talk to a stranger, still less speak to a room full of people. 她跟生人说话都害羞得要命,更甭说对着满屋子的人发言了。
- He's too shy to ask a stranger the time,still less speaks to a room full of people. 他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子人讲话了。
- This is worse than an echo chamber: It is a room full of people egging each other on to the most extreme and vile opinions. 这里迴声室更糟:这是一个挤满人的房间,人们用最极端、最污秽的言语彼此对干。
- I can't walk into a room full of people any more without everybody turning their heads, and I can only eat in certain restaurants where I know I won't get hassled. 我不能够走进满是人的地方,没有人回头是更别想了,而且我只能在一些我认为不会被打搅的饭店里就餐。
- It embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers. 许多人走进一间满是陌生人的房间时总会感到局促不安。
- "I was way out of my league, being in a room full of people with doctorates in nuclear physics and space science. " 我还远离自己的职业领域,与许多核物理学和空间科学方面的学者一起讨论问题。
- a room full of people 挤满人的房间
- That room full of old furniture is a fire hazard. 那间装满旧家具的房间是个消防隐患。
- When you want to go swimming, it would be odd if you were offered a living room full of people as a place to change your clothes. 如果你打算游泳,却得到一间宾客满座的起居室作为更衣场所,这会是件非常令人意外的事。
- "How can you tell Al Gore from a room full of Secret Service agents? ""你知道怎样从一屋子 要求私人服务的顾客中辨出阿 尔·戈尔?
- A man living in a room full of soot cannot avoid being a little stained. 人住在充满煤烟的屋子里不可能不受一点儿的污染。”
- I saw a ferryboat that was full of people. 我发现一艘渡船,上面挤满了人。
- Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends. 去年三月,头带MVP神圣光环,高亢颂歌相伴身旁的麦迪,正凝视着挤满房间的一大票沉默不语的朋友。
- What would happen if you lock a cannibal in a room full of lawyers? A: He would starve to death. 要是把一个食人族和满屋子律师关在一起会怎么样?答:食人族会饿死。
- They laughed again. Dap had a room full of friends, Frightened children are so easy to win. 笑声再次响起。戴普有了满满一屋子的朋友,受过惊吓的孩子很容易被收买。
- The room was crammed full of people. 房间里挤满了人。
- I hear a wild, hysterical laugh, a room full of lockjaw, and the body that was black glows like phosphorus. 这是血管里含有杜松子酒的伟大妓女、人类的母亲。
- In the holiday season one finds the trains unpleasantly full of people. 节日期间,人们可以看到火车上拥挤不堪,人满为患。