- It's a river teeming with fish. 这条河里有很多的鱼。
- a river teeming with fish 盛产鱼的河流
- The river was teeming with fish. 河里的鱼很多。
- This river is teeming with fish. 这条河是鱼多。
- This river is teeming with fish and shrimps. 这条河盛产鱼虾。
- The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer. 夏天这条河里各种各样的鱼多得很。
- The rivers here teem with fish . 这里的河流中有大量的鱼。
- The river teems with rare fish and worth while preserving. 这河流充满珍贵的鱼和值得保存。
- Covering a total area of 18.6 square km, Wudalianchi is 12 m at the deepest part and teeming with fish. 面积18.;6平方公里,最深12米,富产鱼类。
- The lake is teeming with fish. 湖里盛产鱼。
- Nearby rivers teem with salmon, and upearth lakes provide unrivalled sport for trout fishermen. 附近流淌着条条游满鲑鱼的河流,山上还镶嵌着座座湖泊,渔猎鲑鱼的渔夫们可找不出更好的地方了。
- Nearby rivers teem with salmon, and upland lakes provide unrivalled sport for trout fishermen. 去打渔时,游客们可以只身前往;或者乘上当地的船只同船员们共同前去。
- The sea, too, teemed with fish, but they also seemed to be waiting. 大海里也有许多鱼儿,但是鱼儿们似乎正在等待著。
- John is very lucky to have latch onto the office with a river view. 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办公室。
- The Lake is also teeming with fish, all scaleless. Angling here in the twilight is an especially pleasurable experience. 池里,游弋着无鳞鱼,若在黄昏垂钓,更有无限的情趣。
- Baia de Golfinhos has an exceptional population of resident dolphin and at low tide the Rocas Atoll provides a spectacular seascape of lagoons and tidal pools teeming with fish. 在拜亚海区生活有大量海豚,在落潮期,罗卡环形礁给游客展示出一幅怡人的海岸美景,泻湖和潮水坑星罗棋布,里面还有各种鱼类。
- A canyon usually has a river flowing through it. 峡谷常常有河流经过其中。
- Low-lying alluvial land adjacent to a river. 低洼地,滩地与河流邻接的低洼冲积地带
- The waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean teem with fish, while the sub-tropical regions that adjoin them yield abundant fruit. 塔可钟将墨西哥这个以阳光和热情著称的文明古国的美好风情带到您的身边,为您奉上各种色彩鲜艳,口感丰富的墨西哥美食。
- He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river. 他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。