- The boys and girls made a ring round us. 男孩和女孩围着我们站了一圈。
- She wears a ring round her wrist. 她的手腕上戴着一只镯子。
- He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love. 他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。
- I watched the children dancing in a ring. 我看着孩子们围成一圈跳舞。
- His remarks had a ring of sincerity. 他的话语气真诚。
- She is wearing a ring set with emerald. 她戴著一枚嵌有绿宝石的戒指。
- There was a ring of laughter in the corridor. 走廊里传来响亮的笑声。
- The children pressed about her and made a ring. 孩子们挤在她周围,围成一个圈。
- Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flames. 她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈。
- a ringed plover 胸部有带状纹的剑鸻
- Having a ring composed exclusively of carbon atoms, as benzene. 碳环的有一个仅由碳原子组成的环的,如苯
- Mrs Smith will give the manager a ring this afternoon. 史密斯夫人今天下午要打电话给她的经理。
- Hey, I almost forgot! John asked you to give him a ring. 嗨,差点儿忘了!约翰请你给他打个电话。
- I asked the goldsmith if he could make me a ring out of the necklace. 我问这个金匠能不能把项链改成戒指。
- She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand. 她的右手上戴着一枚镶有绿宝石的戒指。
- There is a ring of scum in the washbasin. 这个脸盆内有一圈污垢。
- On a ring network, the direction opposite to that of data flow. 在环形网络上,与数据流方向相反的比特流。对照downstream
- The children sat in a ring round the teacher. 孩子们围着老师坐成一圈。
- The village is pocketed in a ring of hills. 这座村庄四周山峦环绕。
- A ring of hills encinctures the village. 村庄坐落在群山之中。